Omniscia Alliance Block Audit

GovernanceFacet Manual Review Findings

GovernanceFacet Manual Review Findings

GFT-01M: Inexistent Prevention of Re-Invocation


The linked function is meant to be invoked as an initialization by the diamond cut pattern, however, it contains no access control.


15 * @notice initializes the state for the Governance facet
16 * @param data_ abi encoded data - the list of governance members.
17 */
18function init(bytes memory data_) external override {
19 (address[] memory members) = abi.decode(data_, (address[]));
20 require(members.length > 0, "Governance: member list empty");
21 for (uint256 i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
22 LibGovernance.updateMember(members[i], true);
23 emit MemberUpdated(members[i], true);
24 }


Even though it may not be directly exposed by the diamond instance, it is still good practice to explicitly prevent initialization functions from being re-invoked. We advise this to be done so by ensuring that memberCount is zero when init is invoked.


The Alliance Block team renamed the function from init to state, illustrating that the functions could potentially be re-invoked in the future as part of a state reset. As a result, we consider this exhibit adequately dealt with.