Omniscia Alliance Block Audit

RouterFacet Static Analysis Findings

RouterFacet Static Analysis Findings

RFT-01S: Unused Return Value

Standard ConformityInformationalRouterFacet.sol:L106, L107, L165, L181


The ERC20 transfer and transferFrom performed within the contract do not evaluate the return bool value.


102function lock(uint8 targetChain, address nativeToken, uint256 amount, bytes memory receiver) public override {
103 LibRouter.Storage storage rs = LibRouter.routerStorage();
104 LibFeeCalculator.Storage storage fcs = LibFeeCalculator.feeCalculatorStorage();
105 LibFeeCalculator.distributeRewards();
106 IERC20(rs.albtToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fcs.serviceFee);
107 IERC20(nativeToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
108 emit Lock(targetChain, nativeToken, receiver, amount, fcs.serviceFee);


Although the implementations used would never return a false boolean under any circumstance, it is still best practice to use a safe wrapper implementation of ERC20, such as SafeERC20, to ensure return values are properly evaluated.


The SafeERC20 implementation by OpenZeppelin was properly imported into the codebase and utilized for all linked transfer and / or transferFrom invocations.