Omniscia Euler Audit

EulDistributor Manual Review Findings

EulDistributor Manual Review Findings

EDR-01M: Insufficient Prevention of Immediate Proof Change


The code of the EulDistributor contract contains a logic block that permits a previous root to be utilized in the claim function if a transaction was pending execution and the proof changed. This does not protect the users from failed claims, however, as there is no cooldown between root updates.


40function updateRoot(bytes32 newRoot) external onlyOwner {
41 prevRoot = currRoot;
42 currRoot = newRoot;
45// Claiming
47/// @notice Claim distributed tokens
48/// @param account Address that should receive tokens
49/// @param token Address of token being claimed (ie EUL)
50/// @param proof Merkle proof that validates this claim
51/// @param stake If non-zero, then the address of a token to auto-stake to, instead of claiming
52function claim(address account, address token, uint claimable, bytes32[] calldata proof, address stake) external {
53 bytes32 candidateRoot = MerkleProof.processProof(proof, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(account, token, claimable))); // 72 byte leaf
54 require(candidateRoot == currRoot || candidateRoot == prevRoot, "proof invalid/expired");


We advise a cooldown to be introduced between root updates to prevent the owner from invalidating claims immediately.


The Euler team acknowledged this issue and stated that while the behaviour of immediate root replacement is desirable to be able to react to bad roots, a cooldown interval between root changes will be considered in the future.