Omniscia Nevermined Audit

DIDRegistryLibrary Code Style Findings

DIDRegistryLibrary Code Style Findings

DIL-01C: Variable Tight Packing

Gas OptimizationInformationalDIDRegistryLibrary.sol:L16-L41


The DIDRegister struct can be tight-packed.


16struct DIDRegister {
17 // DIDRegistry entry owner
18 address owner;
19 // DIDRegistry original creator, this can't be modified after the asset is registered
20 address creator;
21 // Checksum associated to the DID
22 bytes32 lastChecksum;
23 // URL to the metadata associated to the DID
24 string url;
25 // Who was the last one updated the entry
26 address lastUpdatedBy;
27 // When was the last time was updated
28 uint256 blockNumberUpdated;
29 // Providers able to manage this entry
30 address[] providers;
31 // Delegates able to register provenance events on behalf of the owner or providers
32 address[] delegates;
33 // The NFTs supply associated to the DID
34 uint256 nftSupply;
35 // The max number of NFTs associated to the DID that can be minted
36 uint256 mintCap;
37 // The percent of the sale that is going back to the original `creator` in the secondary market
38 uint8 royalties;
39 // Flag to control if NFTs config was already initialized
40 bool nftInitialized;


We advise the royalties and nftInitialized variables to be re-ordered right after an address member such as owner to ensure those variables are tight-packed into the same slot.


The variables were properly reordered to tight pack and thus optimize the codebase.