Omniscia Rari Capital Audit

Manual Review

Manual Review

A thorough line-by-line review was conducted on the codebase to identify potential malfunctions and vulnerabilities in the Compound Protocol fork of Rari.

As the project at hand is a fork of a borrowing protocol, intricate care was put into ensuring that the flow of funds within the system conforms to the specifications and restrictions laid forth within the protocol's original specification.

We validated that all state transitions of the system occur within sane criteria and that all rudimentary formulas within the system execute as expected. We pinpointed certain minor issues and ill-advised conventions within the system which we strongly urge the Rari capital to address.

Additionally, the system was investigated for any other commonly present attack vectors such as re-entrancy attacks, mathematical truncations, logical flaws and ERC / EIP standard inconsistencies. The documentation of the project was satisfactory to a certain extent, however, we strongly recommend the documentation of the project to be expanded at certain complex points such as the newly introduced functionality of fees.

A total of 33 findings were identified over the course of the manual review of which 24 findings concerned the behaviour and security of the system. The non-security related findings, such as optimizations, are included in the separate Code Style chapter.

The finding table below enumerates all these security / behavioural findings:

CDD-01MMinorYesInconsistent Access Control
CE0-01MMinorYesImpossible Autonomous Deployment
CED-01MMinorYesInconsistent Access Control
CON-01MMinorNoPotentially Misbehaving Adjustment
CER-01MMinorYesImpossible Autonomous Deployment
CER-02MMinorYesPotentially Breaking Functionality
CON-01MMinorYesInconsistent Access Control
CON-01MMinorNoPotentially Misbehaving Delegation
CTN-01MMinorNoBypassable Limit Evaluation
CTN-02MMinorYesInconsistent Access Control
CTN-03MMinorYesIncorrect Limit Evaluation
CTN-04MMinorNoInexistent Access Control
CTN-05MMinorNoLiteral enum Comparison
CTI-01MMinorNoInexistent Hardcoded Contract Address
COM-01MMinorYesInconsistent Access Control
COM-02MMinorYesInconsistent Limit Evaluation
COM-03MMinorYesInexistent Error Handling
COM-04MMinorNoMisconstrued Data Erasure
COM-05MMinorYesUnutilized Function Return
CPO-01MMinorNoIncorrect Correlation
CPO-02MMediumNoIncorrect Price Offset
CPO-03MMediumNoInconsistent Normalization
KPO-01MMediumNoInconsistent Normalization
KPO-02MMediumNoInsecure Data Freshness