Omniscia Etherlink Audit

Cross Chain Token Security Audit

Audit Report Revisions

Commit HashDateAudit Report Hash
aa42922712June 2nd 20249a4d8be718
aa42922712June 3rd 20247a3918570d
7da346c456June 11th 202487a018e04b

Audit Overview

We were tasked with performing an audit of the Etherlink codebase and in particular their Cross Chain Token module.

The EIP-20 WXTZ token represents a LayerZero OFT compatible token implementation meant to wrap the native token of the Etherlink network.

Over the course of the audit, we identified potential ways to enhance the security of the core token deployment on the Etherlink main-net.

We advise the Etherlink team to closely evaluate all minor-and-above findings identified in the report and promptly remediate them as well as consider all optimizational exhibits identified in the report.

Post-Audit Conclusion

The Etherlink team iterated through all findings within the report and provided us with a revised commit hash to evaluate all exhibits on.

We evaluated all alleviations performed by Etherlink and have identified that all exhibits have been adequately dealt with no outstanding issues remaining in the report.

Audit Synopsis

SeverityIdentifiedAlleviatedPartially AlleviatedAcknowledged

During the audit, we filtered and validated a total of 1 findings utilizing static analysis tools as well as identified a total of 6 findings during the manual review of the codebase. We strongly recommend that any minor severity or higher findings are dealt with promptly prior to the project's launch as they can introduce potential misbehaviours of the system as well as exploits.

Total Alleviations

The list below covers each segment of the audit in depth and links to the respective chapter of the report: