Omniscia Redacted Cartel Audit

BTRFLYV2 Manual Review Findings

BTRFLYV2 Manual Review Findings

BTR-01M: Deviation From BTRFLY V1


The new BTRFLY V2 token implementation lacks important functions that were present in the previous implementation, such as the burn and burnFrom functions that make the current V1 -> V2 migration possible.


15contract BTRFLYV2 is AccessControl, ERC20("BTRFLY", "BTRFLY", 18) {
16 bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = "MINTER_ROLE";
18 constructor() {
19 _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
20 }
22 /**
23 @notice Mint tokens
24 @param to address Address to receive tokens
25 @param amount uint256 Amount to mint
26 */
27 function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
28 _mint(to, amount);
29 }


We advise the missing features to be carefully evaluated and potentially re-introduced depending on the business use case of BTRFLYV2. Additionally, we would like to note that the new BTRFLYV2 token contains 18 decimals whilst the original token contained 9 decimals, a discrepancy which may case any previous implementations being upgraded to misbehave.


The burn function that was present in the original implementation has been re-introduced permitting future upgrades to be seamless similarly to the V1 -> V2 conversion and thus alleviating this exhibit.