Omniscia Tokemak Audit

Curve Convex Controllers Security Audit

Audit Overview

We were tasked with performing a follow up audit on the Tokemak codebase and in particular their Convex and Curve Finance integrating controllers meant to manage the deposit, withdrawal and reward claim lifecycle of both projects.

Over the course of the audit, we validated that the integration has been performed according to each DeFi protocol's documentation and that no vulnerabilities arise from improper interaction between Tokemak's components and the external protocols.

We observed certain low-level interactions in the Convex controller that bypassed the Booster instance and directly interacted with the reward pools to enable withdrawal of the underlying unwrapped LP tokens without claiming rewards and validated that they have all been implemented in accordance with the expected code operation of Convex's contracts.

The codebase has been developed to an exemplary standard and as a result our audit was solely able to yield up to minor severity inconsistencies in the codebase in addition to several gas optimizations and style issues that we advise the Tokemak team to consider and potentially apply along with the remediations for all minor findings identified within the report.

Post-Audit Conclusion

The Tokemak team provided a remediation for all security-related findings and alleviated them in the latest commit hash.

We should note that during the audit we observed the absence of SafeMath in certain subtractions in the code. While our assessment is that they are secure, we still advise the Tokemak team to wrap the in their SafeMath counterparts as the gas benefit is minimal and the security achieved is maximal.

Contracts Assessed

Audit Synopsis

SeverityIdentifiedAlleviatedPartially AlleviatedAcknowledged

During the audit, we filtered and validated a total of 1 findings utilizing static analysis tools as well as identified a total of 9 findings during the manual review of the codebase. We strongly recommend that any minor severity or higher findings are dealt with promptly prior to the project's launch as they introduce potential misbehaviours of the system as well as exploits.

pie title Total Issues "Major" : 0 "Medium" : 0 "Minor" : 2 "Informational" : 8

The list below covers each segment of the audit in depth and links to the respective chapter of the report: