Omniscia Trustworks Audit

Multisig Code Style Findings

Multisig Code Style Findings

MUL-01C: Inexistent Error Messages

Code StyleInformationalMultisig.sol:L149, L150, L172


The linked require checks are not accompanied by an error message rendering their debugging as well as audit validation illegible.


169function transferBNB(address payable _recipientForBNB, uint256 _amountToTransferBNB) external nonReentrant {
170 require(msg.sender == owner1, "Only owner1 can transferToken");
171 require(canTransferBNB, "Trnsfer is not initialized");
172 require(recipientForBNB != address(0));
173 require(recipientForBNB == _recipientForBNB, "Recptient is not the same as the in the initialized recipient");
174 require(amountToTransferForBNB == _amountToTransferBNB, "amountToTransfer is not the same as the in the initialized amountToTransfer");
175 canTransferBNB = false;
176 amountToTransferForBNB = 0;
177 recipientForBNB = address(0);
178 _recipientForBNB.transfer(_amountToTransferBNB);


We advise error messages to be introduced to these checks to ensure that they accurately represent the condition they are meant to evaluate.


All require checks contain an error message in the new version of the codebase.

MUL-02C: Redundant Reentrancy Protection

Gas OptimizationInformationalMultisig.sol:L138-L179


All contract functions fully comply with the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern and disallow any form of re-entrancy to cause issues.


138function initializeTransferToken(address _recipientForToken, IBEP20 _tokenToTransfer,uint256 _amountToTransferToken) external nonReentrant {
139 require(msg.sender == owner2, "Only owner2 can initializeTransfer");
140 recipientForToken = _recipientForToken;
141 tokenToTransfer = _tokenToTransfer;
142 amountToTransferToken = _amountToTransferToken;
143 canTransferToken = true;
146function transferToken(address _recipientForToken, IBEP20 _tokenToTransfer, uint256 _amountToTransferToken) external nonReentrant {
147 require(msg.sender == owner1, "Only owner1 can transferToken");
148 require(canTransferToken, "Trnsfer is not initialized");
149 require(recipientForToken != address(0));
150 require(tokenToTransfer != IBEP20(0));
151 require(_recipientForToken == recipientForToken, "Recptient is not the same as the in the initialized recipient");
152 require(_tokenToTransfer == tokenToTransfer, "tokenToTransfer is not the same as the in the initialized tokenToTransfer");
153 require(_amountToTransferToken == amountToTransferToken, "amountToTransfer is not the same as the in the initialized amountToTransfer");
154 canTransferToken = false;
155 tokenToTransfer = IBEP20(0);
156 amountToTransferToken = 0;
157 recipientForToken = address(0);
158 IBEP20(_tokenToTransfer).transfer(_recipientForToken, _amountToTransferToken);


As a result, we advise the re-entrancy protection to be omitted from the codebase to optimize the gas cost involved in their execution unless more features are meant to be introduced to these functions.


The re-entrancy protection was safely omitted from the linked functions to reduce the gas cost involved in interacting with them.