Omniscia Alliance Block Audit

PercentageCalculator Code Style Findings

PercentageCalculator Code Style Findings

PCR-01C: Optimizational Adjustments

Gas OptimizationInformationalPercentageCalculator.sol:L14-L16


The linked div function is meant to be utilized as a utility function by other contracts to allow percentage based calculations.


14function div(uint256 _amount, uint256 _percentage) public pure returns(uint256) {
15 return _amount.mul(_percentage).div(100000);


We advise that the function is renamed as div should instead be reflected by a name such as percentageMul as the calculation carried out is not solely a division.

Additionally, the div portion of the statement within should be dropped as the division is being conducted with a literal.

Finally, the literal should be seperated by _ per 3 digits to denote the granularity it provides.


The div function was renamed to percentageCalc and the denominator numeric literal was set to contain the _ symbol as a seperator to render the overall code segment more legible.