Omniscia Alliance Block Audit

NonCompoundingRewardsPoolFactory Manual Review Findings

NonCompoundingRewardsPoolFactory Manual Review Findings

NCP-01M: Non-Standard Pool Seeding


The current deploy function implementation expects the funds that are meant to seed a particular pool's deployment to be transferred to the contract ahead of time instead of utilizing the conventional transferFrom pattern.


111for (uint256 i = 0; i < _rewardsTokens.length; i++) {
112 uint256 rewardsAmount =
113 calculateRewardsAmount(
114 _startBlock,
115 _endBlock,
116 _rewardPerBlock[i]
117 );
118 IERC20Detailed(_rewardsTokens[i]).safeTransfer(
119 rewardPool,
120 rewardsAmount
121 );


We advise that the transferFrom paradigm is implemented instead since it prohibits funds remaining at rest within the contract and is generally considered a better security practice as it disallows the utillization of accidentally sent funds to the factory from being consumed by the pool creation process.


The changes necessary for this exhibit to be alleviated would require a design change and thus the Alliance Block team opted not to proceed with them.