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Omniscia does whatever it takes to ensure the accuracy of information listed on its website. However, Omniscia makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this site, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents of this website or its links to other Internet resources.

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Omniscia ("Omniscia") has conducted an independent security review to verify the integrity of and highlight any vulnerabilities, bugs or errors, intentional or unintentional, that may be present in the codebase that were provided for the scope of this Engagement.

Blockchain technology and the cryptographic assets it supports are nascent technologies. This makes them extremely volatile assets. Any assessment report obtained on such volatile and nascent assets may include unpredictable results which may lead to positive or negative outcomes.

In some cases, services provided may be reliant on a variety of third parties. This security review does not constitute endorsement, agreement or acceptance for the Project and technology that was reviewed. Users relying on this security review should not consider this as having any merit for financial advice or technological due diligence in any shape, form or nature.

The veracity and accuracy of the findings presented in this report relate solely to the proficiency, competence, aptitude and discretion of our auditors. Omniscia and its employees make no guarantees, nor assurance that the contracts are free of exploits, bugs, vulnerabilities, deprecation of technologies or any system / economical / mathematical malfunction.

This audit report shall not be printed, saved, disclosed nor transmitted to any persons or parties on any objective, goal or justification without due written assent, acquiescence or approval by Omniscia.

All the information/opinions/suggestions provided in this report does not constitute financial or investment advice, nor should it be used to signal that any person reading this report should invest their funds without sufficient individual due diligence regardless of the findings presented in this report.

Information in this report is provided 'as is'. Omniscia is under no covenant to the completeness, accuracy or solidity of the contracts reviewed. Omniscia's goal is to help reduce the attack vectors/surface and the high level of variance associated with utilizing new and consistently changing technologies.

Omniscia in no way claims any guarantee, warranty or assurance of security or functionality of the technology that was in scope for this security review.

In no event will Omniscia, its partners, employees, agents or any parties related to the design/creation of this security review be ever liable to any parties for, or lack thereof, decisions and/or actions with regards to the information provided in this security review.

Cryptocurrencies and all other technologies directly or indirectly related to cryptocurrencies are not standardized, highly prone to malfunction and extremely speculative by nature. Any kind / form of due diligence and/or safeguards may be insufficient and as such users should exercise maximum caution when participating and/or investing in this nascent industry/technologies.

The preparation of this security review has made all reasonable attempts to provide clear and actionable recommendations to the Project team (the “client”) with respect to the rectification, amendment and/or revision of any highlighted issues, vulnerabilities or exploits within the contracts in scope for this engagement.

It is the sole responsibility of the Project team to provide adequate levels of test and perform the necessary checks to ensure that the contracts are functioning as intended, and more specifically to ensure that the functions contained within the contracts in scope have the desired intended effects, functionalities and outcomes, as documented by the Project team.

All services, the security reports, discussions, work product, attack vectors description or any other materials, products or results of this security review engagement is provided "as is" and "as available" and with all faults, uncertainty and defects without warranty or guarantee of any kind.

Omniscia will assume no liability or responsibility for delays, errors, mistakes, or any inaccuracies of content, suggestions, materials or for any loss, delay, damage of any kind which arose as a result of this engagement/security review.

Omniscia will assume no liability or responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, of any kind whatsoever that resulted in this engagement and the customer having access to or use of the products, engineers, services, security report, or any other other materials.

For avoidance of doubt, this report, its content, access, and/or usage thereof, including any associated services or materials, shall not be considered or relied upon as any form of financial, investment, tax, legal, regulatory, or any other type of advice.

Official Website and social media channels:

Website: omniscia.io

Twitter: @omniscia_sec

# Name Audit Last 7 Days Market Cap Onboard Date