Omniscia Keyko Audit

Community Static Analysis Findings

Community Static Analysis Findings

COM-01S: Inexistent Prevention of Duplicates

Standard ConformityInformationalCommunity.sol:L288-L291, L612-L615


The for loops within the initialize and addManagersToBlockList functions of the contract iterate through the managerBlockList_ and emit a ManagerAddedToBlockList event for each one even if duplicate entries exist.


288for (uint256 i = 0; i < managerBlockList_.length; i++) {
289 _managerBlockList.add(managerBlockList_[i]);
290 emit ManagerAddedToBlockList(managerBlockList_[i]);


As the library used to maintain the block list prevents duplicate entries, we advise the bool yielded by add to be utilized either in a require check or in an if clause that will then emit the corresponding event to prevent incorrect events from being emitted. We advise a similar paradigm to also be applied to the removal of managers from the blocklist to prevent misleading events from being emitted.


The manager block list notion has been omitted from the codebase no longer rendering this exhibit relevant.