Omniscia LimeChain Audit

LibGovernance Manual Review Findings

LibGovernance Manual Review Findings

LGE-01M: Insecure Consortium


The validateSignaturesLength function dynamically calculates the amount of members that should sign a particular transaction, however, in doing so it ignores truncations that can cause lengths of 0 to be accepted as valid.


129function validateSignaturesLength(uint256 _n) internal view {
130 Storage storage gs = governanceStorage();
131 uint256 members = gs.membersSet.length();
132 require(_n <= members, "LibGovernance: Invalid number of signatures");
133 require(
134 _n > (members * gs.percentage) / gs.precision,
135 "LibGovernance: Invalid number of signatures"
136 );


We advise an additional validation to be imposed here whereby the calculation of (members * gs.percentage) / gs.precision rounds up. This will significantly strengthen the governance requirement and also cause values of 0 to be impossible to achieve (i.e. any percent required with 1 member would yield 0 in the current implementation).


A rounding-up mechanism was put in place whereby signatures are ensured to match the percentage of members rounded up inclusively.