Omniscia 0xPhase Audit



The project is composed of barebones contracts without the utilization of a framework, however, external dependencies are defined in a syntax that requires the usage of proper compilation pipelines.

To run our static analysis toolkit and compile the project, we initialized a barebones hardhat folder and copied the 0xPhase files over to compile. As such, the static analysis outputs of our team may differ from those of independent executions.

The project contains discrepancies with regards to the Solidity version used as the pragma statements differ between them. The higher-most requirement was pragma solidity ^0.8.17 and as such, we utilized the 0.8.17 version for the execution of static analysis.

We advise the contract pragma statements to be locked to version 0.8.17 (=0.8.17), preventing compilation discrepancies between versions to occur.