Omniscia Alliance Block Audit
AutoStake Code Style Findings
AutoStake Code Style Findings
ASE-01C: Redundant Default Value Assignments
Type | Severity | Location |
Code Style | Informational | AutoStake.sol:L25-L27 |
The linked variables are assigned with the value literal 0
redundantly as their default value is already equal to that.
20IRewardsPoolBase public rewardPool;21IERC20Detailed public stakingToken;22address public factory;23uint256 public unit = 1e18;24uint256 public valuePerShare = unit;25uint256 public totalShares = 0;26uint256 public totalValue = 0;27uint256 public exitStake = 0;28mapping(address => uint256) public share;
We advise that the assignments are instead omitted to aid in the legibility of the codebase.
The zero-value assignments were omitted from the codebase.
ASE-02C: Variable Mutability Specifier
Type | Severity | Location |
Gas Optimization | Informational | AutoStake.sol:L23 |
The linked variable is only assigned to once at its declaration.
20IRewardsPoolBase public rewardPool;21IERC20Detailed public stakingToken;22address public factory;23uint256 public unit = 1e18;24uint256 public valuePerShare = unit;25uint256 public totalShares = 0;26uint256 public totalValue = 0;27uint256 public exitStake = 0;28mapping(address => uint256) public share;
As a result, it can be properly set as a constant
variable greatly optimizing the gas cost involved in utilizing it.
The unit
variable was properly set to constant
, however, we advise it also be named accordingly in uppercase format as denoted by the official Solidity style guide.
ASE-03C: Variable Mutability Specifier
Type | Severity | Location |
Gas Optimization | Informational | AutoStake.sol:L21-L22, L33-L34 |
The linked variables are only assigned to once during the constructor
32constructor(address token, uint256 _throttleRoundBlocks, uint256 _throttleRoundCap, uint256 stakeEnd) public {33 factory = msg.sender;34 stakingToken = IERC20Detailed(token);35 setLockEnd(stakeEnd);36 setThrottleParams(_throttleRoundBlocks, _throttleRoundCap, stakeEnd);37}
As a result, they can be properly set to as immutable
greatly optimizing the gas cost involved in utilizing them.
The linked variables were properly set to immutable
taking full advantage of the gas optimizations it brings.