Omniscia Alliance Block Audit

SessionPaymentPortal Manual Review Findings

SessionPaymentPortal Manual Review Findings

SPP-01M: Incorrectly Calculated TKN Amount


The calculateUSDTtoTKN function call within payTKN will incorrectly assume a Uniswap fee is meant to be deducted thus producing a number lower than it should be.


Incorrect payment calculations for the session access purchase will cause reduced revenue for the session access provider.


99/// User pays for their session by providing some data that binds the
100/// payment to the session somehow offchain.
101/// @param paymentConfig_ Must be the same payment config hashed during
102/// construction of the contract.
103/// @param maxTKN_ User can set a maximum TKN that they are willing to
104/// pay for the transaction. As the price is converted by USDT to TKN by
105/// the oracle it is possible for the exchange rate to move against the
106/// user while the transaction is being mined. If the TKN amount exceeds
107/// the limit the transaction will rollback.
108/// @param data_ The session data that binds the payment to the session.
109/// The offchain handling MUST be secure despite the session data being
110/// completely public in the associated `SessionPaid` event. This can be
111/// achieved (for example) by having the `msg.sender` sign a request for
112/// a session key separate to the public session ID in `data_`. This way
113/// the offchain consumer knows that the payer and session key requestor
114/// are the same entity.
115function payTKN(
116 PaymentConfig calldata paymentConfig_,
117 uint256 maxTKN_,
118 bytes calldata data_
119) external onlyValidPaymentConfig(paymentConfig_) {
120 emit SessionPaid(msg.sender, data_);
122 // Process payment.
123 uint256 tknAmount_ = calculateUSDTtoTKN(paymentConfig_.usdtPrice);
124 require(tknAmount_ <= maxTKN_, "SessionPaymentPortal: MAX_TKN");
125 SplitPayment.splitTransfer(
126 paymentConfig_.tkn,
127 msg.sender,
128 tknAmount_,
129 paymentConfig_.shares
130 );


We advise an alternative oracle measurement to be utilized here instead allowing the full TKN amount to be extracted by the payer as it currently causes an additional unintended incentive to pay with TKNs for the subscription.


The fee is no longer applied at the USDTTKNPriceOracle level thus alleviating this exhibit in full.