Omniscia CloudFunding Audit

Manager Manual Review Findings

Manager Manual Review Findings

MAN-01M: Inexistent Removal Workflow


The distributors array which is self-managed by the owner contains no removal workflow causing incorrect entries to permanently corrupt the storage of the contract.


A single incorrect operation will permanently corrupt the storage of the contract which is an undesirable trait. Additionally, if a distribution ceases functioning it is impossible to remove it in the current system.


96// to be replaced with self-updating, if/when possible
97function addDistribution(address distribution) external onlyOwner {
98 distributions.push(IDistributionToDelegators(distribution));


We advise a removeDistribution function to be introduced to the contract that allows removal of a distribution using an index-based approach.


The manual distribution maintenance mechanisms have been omitted from the codebase thus nullifying this exhibit as removals are no longer needed.

MAN-02M: Potential of Duplicate FTSO Reward Entries


The ftsoRewardManagers array can contain duplicate entries as the update methodology of updateFtsoRewardManagers assumes that the managers will always be declared in sequence.


Duplicate reward manager entries will cause contracts that rely on reward extraction to potentially fail as rewards would have been claimed already.


50function updateFtsoRewardManagers() external {
51 IFtsoRewardManager lastSaved = ftsoRewardManagers[ftsoRewardManagers.length - 1];
52 IFtsoRewardManager current = FlareLibrary.getFtsoRewardManager(FlareLibrary.getFtsoManager());
53 if (current != lastSaved) {
54 do {
55 ftsoRewardManagersTmp.push(current);
56 IFtsoRewardManager previous = getPreviousFtsoRewardManager(current);
57 if (previous == lastSaved || address(previous) == address(0)) break;
58 current = previous;
59 } while (true);
60 for (uint256 i = ftsoRewardManagersTmp.length; i > 0; i--) {
61 IFtsoRewardManager ftsoRewardManager = ftsoRewardManagersTmp[i - 1];
62 ftsoRewardManagers.push(ftsoRewardManager);
63 ftsoRewardManagersTmp.pop();
64 emit AddFtsoRewardManager(address(ftsoRewardManager));
65 }
66 }


We advise a mapping to be used instead that stores whether an FtsoRewardManager is included in the ftsoRewardManagers array and in that case break the loop.


The CloudFunding team has stated that they deem the assumption that the reward managers are a linked list without circular dependencies is valid as a removed manager cannot be re-added later. As a result, they consider the current implementation sound and thus acknowledge this exhibit.