Omniscia DAFI Audit

TVLFeeds Manual Review Findings

TVLFeeds Manual Review Findings

TVL-01M: Beta Functionality


The TVLFeeds contract implementation is incomplete as it contains TODO comments denoting that it should be fleshed out once a certain feature is introduced in the Chainlink oracle service.


28function setGlobalTVL(uint _globalTVL) external onlyOwner{ //TODO Remove it when integrated with Chainlink aggregator
29 globalTVL = _globalTVL;


We advise this contract to remain unutilized until the feature has been properly introduced and integrated with as it currently uses a completely centralized method for reporting the current TVL.


The TVLFeeds contract will remain as is and the project stated that they will deploy with the price representing a 100% of the demand factor until the TVL metric is enabled at a later date.