Omniscia Mean Finance Audit

PermissionMath Manual Review Findings

PermissionMath Manual Review Findings

PMH-01M: Unsupported Pragma Version Specification


The overall codebase of the NFTPermissions system makes use of user-defined value types that were introduced in Solidity 0.8.8, however, the pragma statements of the code indicate support for versions of 0.8.0 and up which is incorrect.


2pragma solidity >=0.8.0;


We advise the pragma versions to be corrected, either locked to the actual version in use by the codebase (=0.8.20) or updated to a more accurate range (>=0.8.8).


All pragma versions throughout the codebase including the referenced one have been updated to mandate a Solidity version of 0.8.8 and higher, addressing this exhibit.