Omniscia Morpho Labs Audit

SupplyHarvestVault Manual Review Findings

SupplyHarvestVault Manual Review Findings

SHV-01M: Potential Points of Concern


The referenced lines indicate integration with the IMorpho contract which is an internal project contract that is not in scope of the audit and thus interactions with it cannot be properly validated.


15contract SupplyHarvestVault is SupplyVaultUpgradeable {


As general security recommendations, we advise the Morpho team to ascertain that the rewards yielded by claimRewards are properly defined, the false flag is correct for the purposes of the harvest system, and that the asset supplied in the last call properly update the relevant entries for the EIP-4626 asset evaluation mechanism. This does not constitute an audit of the Morpho contract and simply indicates best practices and security considerations that should be followed.


The Morpho team considered our advice and has validated the IMorpho integration on their end. This exhibit will remain in the audit report for the sake of prosperity, marked as "addressed" based on Morpho's validation of the integration.