Omniscia SaucerSwap Labs Audit
HederaTokenService Static Analysis Findings
HederaTokenService Static Analysis Findings
HTS-01S: Inexistent Visibility Specifiers
Type | Severity | Location |
Code Style | HederaTokenService.sol:L11, L12, L14-L20, L22 |
The linked variables have no visibility specifier explicitly set.
11address constant precompileAddress = address(0x167);
We advise them to be set so to avoid potential compilation discrepancies in the future as the current behaviour is for the compiler to assign one automatically which may deviate between pragma
Alleviation (a2c5a0b913):
While all referenced variables have had a visibility specifier explicitly set, the newly introduced DEFAULT_AUTO_RENEW_PERIOD
remains without one. As such, we consider this exhibit partially alleviated.
Alleviation (fd26dbdf6d):
An internal
visibility specifier was introduced for the DEFAULT_AUTO_RENEW_PERIOD
variable, rendering this exhibit fully alleviated.