Omniscia Steer Protocol Audit

SmartRewardsDistributor Static Analysis Findings

SmartRewardsDistributor Static Analysis Findings

SRD-01S: Inexistent Event Emissions


The linked functions adjust sensitive contract variables yet do not emit an event for it.


269function setAbandonmentBlockTimeframe(uint256 newBlockTimeframe) external onlyOwner {
270 abandonmentBlockTimeframe = newBlockTimeframe;


We advise an event to be declared and correspondingly emitted for each function to ensure off-chain processes can properly react to this system adjustment.

Alleviation (e31556397b9d321737ff47809b572383dda4a2aa):

The MerkleRootHashUpdated, FeeDiscountChanged, AbandonmnetBlockTimeframeChanged, SteerFeesChanged, and FeeCollectionAddressChanged events were introduced to the codebase and are correspondingly emitted in the SmartRewardsDistributor::orchestratorUpdateRootHash, SmartRewardsDistributor::setFeeDiscount, SmartRewardsDistributor::setAbandonmentBlockTimeframe, SmartRewardsDistributor::setSteerFee, and SmartRewardsDistributor::setFeeCollectionAddress functions respectively, addressing this exhibit in full.

SRD-02S: Inexistent Sanitization of Input Addresses


The linked function(s) accept address arguments yet do not properly sanitize them.


The presence of zero-value addresses, especially in constructor implementations, can cause the contract to be permanently inoperable. These checks are advised as zero-value inputs are a common side-effect of off-chain software related bugs.


82function initialize(
83 address _orchestratorRelay,
84 uint256 _steerFee,
85 address _feeCollectionAddress,
86 uint256 _abandonmentBlockTimeframe
87) public initializer {
88 __Ownable_init();
89 __UUPSUpgradeable_init();
90 // @note will need to be known on initialization, deploy dynamic jobs contract first, then register
91 orchestratorRelay = _orchestratorRelay;
92 steerFee = _steerFee > MAX_STEER_FEE ? MAX_STEER_FEE : _steerFee;
93 feeCollectionAddress = _feeCollectionAddress;
94 abandonmentBlockTimeframe = _abandonmentBlockTimeframe;
96 // Set last updated to current block to prevent canceled campaigns not registering
97 lastBlockUpdate = block.number;


We advise some basic sanitization to be put in place by ensuring that each address specified is non-zero.

Alleviation (e31556397b9d321737ff47809b572383dda4a2aa):

All input argument(s) of the SmartRewardsDistributor::initialize, and SmartRewardsDistributor::setFeeCollectionAddress functions are adequately sanitized as non-zero in the latest in-scope revision of the codebase, addressing this exhibit.

SRD-03S: Improper Invocations of EIP-20 transfer / transferFrom


The linked statements do not properly validate the returned bool values of the EIP-20 standard transfer & transferFrom functions. As the standard dictates, callers must not assume that false is never returned.


If the code mandates that the returned bool is true, this will cause incompatibility with tokens such as USDT / Tether as no such bool is returned to be evaluated causing the check to fail at all times. On the other hand, if the token utilized can return a false value under certain conditions but the code does not validate it, the contract itself can be compromised as having received / sent funds that it never did.


170IERC20(campaign.rewardToken).transfer(user, outbound);


Since not all standardized tokens are EIP-20 compliant (such as Tether / USDT), we advise a safe wrapper library to be utilized instead such as SafeERC20 by OpenZeppelin to opportunistically validate the returned bool only if it exists in each instance.

Alleviation (e31556397b9d321737ff47809b572383dda4a2aa):

The SafeERC20 library of the OpenZeppelin dependency is now properly imported to the codebase and its SafeERC20::safeTransferFrom & SafeERC20::safeTransfer functions are correctly invoked in place of all potentially unhandled EIP-20 ERC20::transfer & ERC20::transferFrom invocations, addressing this exhibit.