Omniscia Avant Protocol Audit

StakedAvUSDV2 Manual Review Findings

StakedAvUSDV2 Manual Review Findings

SAS-01M: Inexistent Validation of Non-Zero Amount


The StakedAvUSDV2::unstake function will not ensure that the user has a non-zero underlyingAmount, permitting a zero-value withdrawal to be performed.


While the zero-value withdrawals will be processed and result in a zero value transfer to the receiver, they do not actually permit any value to be extracted rendering this submission to be of informational severity.


78/// @notice Claim the staking amount after the cooldown has finished. The address can only retire the full amount of assets.
79/// @dev unstake can be called after cooldown have been set to 0, to let accounts to be able to claim remaining assets locked at Silo
80/// @param receiver Address to send the assets by the staker
81function unstake(address receiver) external {
82 UserCooldown storage userCooldown = cooldowns[msg.sender];
83 uint256 assets = userCooldown.underlyingAmount;
85 if (block.timestamp >= userCooldown.cooldownEnd || cooldownDuration == 0) {
86 userCooldown.cooldownEnd = 0;
87 userCooldown.underlyingAmount = 0;
89 silo.withdraw(receiver, assets);
90 } else {
91 revert InvalidCooldown();
92 }


We advise a non-zero require or if-revert check to be imposed on the assets of the user, disallowing zero-value withdrawals from being performed.


The code was updated to issue an early return if the amount to be unstaked is 0, alleviating this exhibit.