Omniscia DappRadar Audit
RadarStakingLogic Manual Review Findings
RadarStakingLogic Manual Review Findings
RSL-01M: Improper Stake Cooldown Accounting
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | RadarStakingLogic.sol:L113 |
The cooldownSeconds
associated with a particular stake will remain the same regardless of whether the configurational variable cooldownSeconds
of the RadarStakingLogic
contract was adjusted via the RadarStakingLogic::setCooldownSeconds
Presently, if a user has triggered their unstake cooldown and the cooldown of the RadarStakingLogic
is increased, the staker who initiated their cooldown will retain the original lower-value cooldown and vice versa.
107// unstake your tokens + rewards after the cooldown has passed108function unstake(uint256 amount) external nonReentrant {109 require(amount >= 0, "RadarStakingLogic: Amount cannot be lower than 0");110 iRadarStake.Stake memory myStake = radarStakeContract.getStake(_msgSender());111
112 require(myStake.cooldownTriggeredAtTimestamp > 0, "RadarStakingLogic: Cooldown not yet triggered");113 require(block.timestamp >= myStake.cooldownTriggeredAtTimestamp + myStake.cooldownSeconds, "RadarStakingLogic: Can't unstake during the cooldown period");114 115 require(myStake.totalStaked >= amount, "RadarStakingLogic: Amount you want to unstake exceeds your staked amount");116 require((myStake.totalStaked - amount >= stakeForDappRadarPro) || (myStake.totalStaked - amount == 0), "RadarStakingLogic: Either unstake all or keep more than the minimum stake required");117 118 // calculate rewards119 uint256 tokenReward = calculateReward(_msgSender());120
121 // unstake122 radarStakeContract.removeFromStake(amount, _msgSender());123
124 // transfer the rewards from the rewardAddress125 radarTokenContract.transferFrom(rewardAddress, _msgSender(), tokenReward);126
127 // transfer the stake from the radarStakeContract128 radarTokenContract.transferFrom(address(radarStakeContract), _msgSender(), amount);129
130 emit TokensUnstaked(_msgSender(), amount);131}
We advise the system to instead only track the cooldown trigger timestamp at the RadarStake
contract and to apply the cooldownSeconds
in the referenced conditional directly from the RadarStakingLogic
contract rather than the RadarStake
Alleviation (8614454f02):
The cooldown value of RadarStake
is being utilized by the code, however, the code still stores the cooldown duration per stake rather than at a contract-level.
Alleviation (9193d77dde):
The DappRadar team has stated that it is an intended design for users to keep the original cooldown they initiated. As such, we consider this exhibit adequately alleviated in the original remediation.
RSL-02M: Incorrect Calculation of Compounding Reward
Type | Severity | Location |
Mathematical Operations | RadarStakingLogic.sol:L171, L182-L186 |
The RadarStakingLogic::calculateCompoundingReward
is meant to calculate an auto-compounding daily reward by iterating through all days passed during a reward period and compounding the reward. While the mechanism in the function is correct, its input argument principal
is set as the accruedReward
. As such, it will calculate the total reward of a period X and then proceed to calculate the compounding reward daily by using the reward at the end of the period which is incorrect.
The RadarStakingLogic
will calculate a compoundingReward
greater-than the actual one as it does not replicate an auto-compounding system properly. To better illustrate the issue, let us consider an APR of 1%, a total reward duration of a year, and a totalStaked
value of 1_000
The code will calculate the APR of the whole year which is 1% of 1_000
) at the end of it. The code will then proceed to restart the rewards from the start of the year, iterating through each day with the value of 10
and auto-compounding it.
The correct auto-compounding value would be 10.050028723668065
, however, the code of RadarStakingLogic
would produce a value of 10.100223568782742
as it assumes the auto-compounding portion of the reward is the actual final reward rather than the reward due per day. The flaw can be exacerbated the longer the duration in which we calculate the compounding APR in.
133// calculate the total rewards a user has already earned.134function calculateReward(address addr) public view returns(uint256 reward) {135 require(addr != address(0), "RadarStakingLogic: Cannot use the null address");136
137 iRadarStake.Stake memory myStake = radarStakeContract.getStake(addr);138 uint256 totalStaked = myStake.totalStaked;139
140 // return 0 if the user has no stake141 if (totalStaked <= 0 ) return 0;142
143 iRadarStake.Apr[] memory allAprs = radarStakeContract.getAllAprs();144 for (uint256 i = 0; i < allAprs.length; i++) {145 iRadarStake.Apr memory currentApr = allAprs[i];146
147 // jump over APRs, which are in the past for this user/address148 if (currentApr.endTime > 0 && currentApr.endTime < myStake.lastStakedTimestamp) continue;149
150 uint256 startTime = (myStake.lastStakedTimestamp > currentApr.startTime) ? myStake.lastStakedTimestamp : currentApr.startTime;151 uint256 endTime = (currentApr.endTime < block.timestamp)? currentApr.endTime : block.timestamp;152
153 // use current timestamp if the APR is still active (aka. has no endTime yet)154 if (endTime <= 0) endTime = block.timestamp;155
156 // once the cooldown is triggered, don't accrue any further from that point in time157 if (myStake.cooldownTriggeredAtTimestamp > 0) {158 endTime = myStake.cooldownTriggeredAtTimestamp;159 }160
161 // protect against subtraction errors162 if (endTime <= startTime) continue;163
164 uint256 secondsWithCurrentApr = endTime - startTime;165 uint256 daysPassed = secondsWithCurrentApr/1 days;166
167 // calculate accrued reward for each APR period (per second)168 uint256 accruedReward = totalStaked * currentApr.apr/10_000 * secondsWithCurrentApr/(365 days);169
170 // calculate compounding rewards (per day)171 uint256 compoundingReward = calculateCompoundingReward(accruedReward, currentApr.apr, daysPassed);172 173 // compound the rewards for each APR period174 reward += accruedReward + compoundingReward;175 totalStaked += reward;176 }177
178 return reward;179}180
181// calculate compounding interest without running into floating point issues182function calculateCompoundingReward(uint256 principal, uint256 aprToUse, uint256 daysPassed) internal pure returns(uint256 compoundingReward) {183 for (uint256 i = 0; i < daysPassed; i++) {184 compoundingReward += (principal + compoundingReward) * aprToUse/10_000/365;185 }186}
We advise the compounding reward mechanism to calculate the reward due for each day as well, ensuring that it properly calculates an auto-compounding reward.
Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):
The compounding reward calculation was corrected, ensuring that rewards are calculated only once by advancing time rather than twice by first advancing time and then restarting from the start of the period.
RSL-03M: Incorrect Accumulation of Total Staked
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | RadarStakingLogic.sol:L175 |
The totalStaked
variable within RadarStakingLogic::calculateReward
is incorrectly incremented on each iteration as the reward
value it is incremented by is cumulative.
All reward calculations via RadarStakingLogic::calculateReward
are improperly diluted, causing users to receive less rewards than expected.
167// calculate accrued reward for each APR period (per second)168uint256 accruedReward = totalStaked * currentApr.apr/10_000 * secondsWithCurrentApr/(365 days);169
170// calculate compounding rewards (per day)171uint256 compoundingReward = calculateCompoundingReward(accruedReward, currentApr.apr, daysPassed);172
173// compound the rewards for each APR period174reward += accruedReward + compoundingReward;175totalStaked += reward;
We advise the totalStaked
value to be increased by accruedReward + compoundingReward
or the accruedReward
calculation to utilize totalStaked + reward
, either of which we consider an adequate resolution to this exhibit and the latter of which we advise.
Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):
The totalStaked
variable is now incremented by the compoundingReward
variable rather than the total cumulative reward
variable, ensuring that the totalStaked
value correctly corresponds to the total stakes plus any reward that has accumulated per iteration.