Omniscia DappRadar Audit

RadarStakingLogic Static Analysis Findings

RadarStakingLogic Static Analysis Findings

RSL-01S: Illegible Numeric Value Representation

Code StyleRadarStakingLogic.sol:L168


The linked representation of a numeric literal is sub-optimally represented decreasing the legibility of the codebase.


168uint256 accruedReward = totalStaked * currentApr.apr/10_000 * secondsWithCurrentApr/(365 days);


To properly illustrate the value's purpose, we advise the following guidelines to be followed. For values meant to depict fractions with a base of 1e18, we advise fractions to be utilized directly (i.e. 1e17 becomes 0.1e18) as they are supported. For values meant to represent a percentage base, we advise each value to utilize the underscore (_) separator to discern the percentage decimal (i.e. 10000 becomes 100_00, 300 becomes 3_00 and so on). Finally, for large numeric values we simply advise the underscore character to be utilized again to represent them (i.e. 1000000 becomes 1_000_000).

Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):

The DappRadar team has not provided any remediation for this exhibit instead opting to acknowledge it.

RSL-02S: Unutilized Contract Modifier

Gas OptimizationRadarStakingLogic.sol:L38-L43


The RadarStakingLogic::requireVariablesSet modifier remains unused within the codebase.


38modifier requireVariablesSet() {
39 require(address(rewardAddress) != address(0), "RadarStakingLogic: Reward Address not set");
40 require(address(radarTokenContract) != address(0), "RadarStakingLogic: Token contract not set");
41 require(address(radarStakeContract) != address(0), "RadarStakingLogic: Staking contract not set");
42 _;


We advise it to be safely removed, reducing the bytecode size of the contract.

Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):

The unutilized modifier has been safely omitted from the codebase.

RSL-03S: Incorrect Conditional Evaluations

Language SpecificRadarStakingLogic.sol:L48, L98, L100, L109, L141, L154, L191, L197


The referenced conditional evaluations of unsigned integers (i.e. uint256 a) are performing comparisons that either represent tautologies (a >= 0) or impossible states (a <= 0).


Presently, the conditionals do not sufficiently sanitize the arguments they are meant to permitting unintentional execution of certain functions such as RadarStakingLogic::stake with a zero-value amount.


47function stake(uint256 amount) external nonReentrant {
48 require(amount >= 0, "RadarStakingLogic: Amount must be above 0");


We advise the conditionals to be corrected, converting greater-than-or-equal (>=) comparisons with zero to strictly greater-than (>) and less-than-or-equal (<=) comparisons with zero to equality ones.

Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):

Some instances have been alleviated whereas others (mostly LTE comparisons with zero) remain in the codebase. We advise all instances to be adequately updated.

RSL-04S: Inexistent Sanitization of Input Addresses

Input SanitizationRadarStakingLogic.sol:L13-L17


The linked function(s) accept address arguments yet do not properly sanitize them.


The presence of zero-value addresses, especially in constructor implementations, can cause the contract to be permanently inoperable. These checks are advised as zero-value inputs are a common side-effect of off-chain software related bugs.


13constructor(address rewardAddr, address radarTokenContractAddr, address radarStakeContractAddr) {
14 rewardAddress = rewardAddr;
15 radarTokenContract = iRadarToken(radarTokenContractAddr);
16 radarStakeContract = iRadarStake(radarStakeContractAddr);


We advise some basic sanitization to be put in place by ensuring that each address specified is non-zero.

Alleviation (8614454f02ec2934ccfdc3f17974be01ca6c1709):

All input addresses of the RadarStakingLogic::constructor are adequately sanitized as advised, preventing the contract from being accidentally misconfigured during its deployment.

RSL-05S: Improper Invocations of EIP-20 transferFrom

Standard ConformityRadarStakingLogic.sol:L59, L66, L89, L125, L128


The linked statements do not properly validate the returned bool of the EIP-20 standard transferFrom function. As the standard dictates, callers must not assume that false is never returned.


If the code mandates that the returned bool is true, this will cause incompatibility with tokens such as USDT / Tether as no such bool is returned to be evaluated causing the check to fail at all times. On the other hand, if the token utilized can return a false value under certain conditions but the code does not validate it, the contract itself can be compromised as having received / sent funds that it never did.


59radarTokenContract.transferFrom(_msgSender(), address(radarStakeContract), amount);


Since not all standardized tokens are EIP-20 compliant (such as Tether / USDT), we advise a safe wrapper library to be utilized instead such as SafeERC20 by OpenZeppelin to opportunistically validate the returned bool only if it exists in each instance.

Alleviation (9193d77dde992ca090fe8895a88804e096173564):

The DappRadar team has stated that the token they are interacting with is a known implementation that is conformant to the EIP-20 standard and as such the usage of a safe wrapper library is not needed. Given that the referenced invocation interacts solely with the project-affiliated Radar token, we consider this exhibit nullified as the current code is optimal and safe.