Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

EthereumVaultConnector Code Style Findings

EthereumVaultConnector Code Style Findings

EVR-01C: Illegible Authentication Invocation Style


The EthereumVaultConnector::authenticateCaller function accepts boolean arguments that are imperative to its secure operation, yet utilizes an index-based invocation style for consecutive boolean variables rendering their distinction difficult.


354address msgSender = authenticateCaller(account, true, false);


We advise the key-value declaration style to be adopted for the function arguments of the EthereumVaultConnector::authenticateCaller function (i.e. from authenticateCaller(account, true, false) to authenticateCaller({ account: account, allowOperator: true, checkLockdownMode: false })), greatly optimizing the legibility of the function's invocations.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

All invocation instances of the EthereumVaultConnector::authenticateCaller function have been updated to utilize the key-value argument declaration style we advised, greatly increasing their legibility across the codebase.

EVR-02C: Inefficient mapping Lookups


The linked statements perform key-based lookup operations on mapping declarations from storage multiple times for the same key redundantly.


378// The operatorBitField is a 256-position binary array, where each 1 signals by position the account that the
379// operator is authorized for.
380uint256 oldOperatorBitField = operatorLookup[addressPrefix][operator];
381uint256 newOperatorBitField = authorized ? oldOperatorBitField | bitMask : oldOperatorBitField & ~bitMask;
383if (oldOperatorBitField == newOperatorBitField) {
384 revert EVC_InvalidOperatorStatus();
385} else {
386 operatorLookup[addressPrefix][operator] = newOperatorBitField;
388 emit OperatorStatus(addressPrefix, operator, newOperatorBitField);


As the lookups internally perform an expensive keccak256 operation, we advise the lookups to be cached wherever possible to a single local declaration that either holds the value of the mapping in case of primitive types or holds a storage pointer to the struct contained.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The Euler Finance team evaluated this exhibit and opted to acknowledge it so as to retain a higher level of legibility in their codebase.

EVR-03C: Inexistent Named Arguments


The code of the EthereumVaultConnector utilizes the named key and value format for mapping declarations, however, the accountCollaterals and accountControllers do not employ this style for their SetStorage values.


74mapping(bytes19 addressPrefix => OwnerStorage ownerStorage) internal ownerLookup;
76mapping(bytes19 addressPrefix => mapping(address operator => uint256 operatorBitField)) internal operatorLookup;
78mapping(bytes19 addressPrefix => mapping(uint256 nonceNamespace => uint256 nonce)) internal nonceLookup;
80mapping(address account => SetStorage) internal accountCollaterals;
82mapping(address account => SetStorage) internal accountControllers;


We advise a name to be introduced for those declarations, ensuring consistency within the codebase.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The Euler Finance team clarified that named arguments are utilized solely in the case that the data type itself is not self-explanatory, and proceeded to remove the ownerStorage named value from the ownerLookup declaration.

As such, we consider this exhibit properly addressed.

EVR-04C: Optimization of Caller Authentication


The caller authentication mechanism in EthereumVaultConnector::authenticateCaller is slightly inefficient in its current state as it will utilize an authenticated boolean redundantly.


732function authenticateCaller(
733 address account,
734 bool allowOperator,
735 bool checkLockdownMode
736) internal virtual returns (address) {
737 bytes19 addressPrefix = getAddressPrefixInternal(account);
738 address owner = ownerLookup[addressPrefix].owner;
739 bool lockdownMode = ownerLookup[addressPrefix].isLockdownMode;
741 if (checkLockdownMode && lockdownMode) {
742 revert EVC_LockdownMode();
743 }
745 address msgSender = _msgSender();
746 bool authenticated = false;
748 // check if the caller is the owner of the account
749 if (haveCommonOwnerInternal(account, msgSender)) {
750 // if the owner is not registered, register it
751 if (owner == address(0)) {
752 setAccountOwnerInternal(account, msgSender);
753 authenticated = true;
754 } else if (owner == msgSender) {
755 authenticated = true;
756 }
757 }
759 // if the caller is not the owner, check if it is an operator if operators are allowed
760 if (!authenticated && allowOperator) {
761 authenticated = isAccountOperatorAuthorizedInternal(account, msgSender);
762 }
764 // must revert if neither the owner nor the operator were authenticated
765 if (!authenticated) {
766 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
767 }
769 return msgSender;


We advise the authenticated flag to be omitted entirely, and early returns to be performed instead.

Specifically, the if branch that validates EthereumVaultConnector::haveCommonOwnerInternal can yield the msgSender immediately in place of the true assignments of the authenticated flag. Continuation of execution infers that authenticated is false, so the validation of the authenticated flag can be omitted and only allowOperator can be evaluated in the ensuing if clause.

The code can be further optimized by evaluating allowOperator && isAccountOperatorAuthorizedInternal(account, msgSender) in the if clause, yielding the msgSender if the clause is true.

Finally, the code can unconditionally revert with an EVC_NotAuthorized error, as the authenticated flag would be guaranteed as false after the aforementioned validations have occurred.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The code was precisely updated per our recommendations, optimizing its gas cost in the process.

EVR-05C: Repetitive Value Literal


The linked value literal is repeated across the codebase multiple times.


108address phantomAccount = address(uint160(uint152(addressPrefix)) << 8);


We advise it to be set to a constant variable instead, optimizing the legibility of the codebase.

In case the constant has already been declared, we advise it to be properly re-used across the code.

Alleviation (577d1991de):

The ACCOUNT_ID_OFFSET constant declaration has replaced the 8 value literal in the first two referenced lines of the exhibit, however, the last line within the EthereumVaultConnector::getAddressPrefixInternal function remains as a literal rendering this exhibit partially alleviated.

Alleviation (c943dcbbb6):

The EthereumVaultConnector::getAddressPrefixInternal function's literal has been replaced by the ACCOUNT_ID_OFFSET as well, addressing this exhibit in full.

EVR-06C: Suboptimal Struct Declaration Style


The linked declaration style of a struct is using index-based argument initialization.


915checksResult[i] = StatusCheckResult(checkedAddress, isValid, result);


We advise the key-value declaration format to be utilized instead, greatly increasing the legibility of the codebase.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The key-value declaration style is now properly in use within the referenced struct declaration, addressing this exhibit in full.