Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

EthereumVaultConnector Manual Review Findings

EthereumVaultConnector Manual Review Findings

EVR-01M: Ambiguous Specification Invariant (31)


The Ethereum Vault Connector specification and specifically bullet point 31 uses RFC-2119 terminology and specifies that:

Only the Checks-Deferrable Calls MUST allow to re-enter the EVC.

This particular point of the specification is relatively ambiguous, and is potentially breached by the EthereumVaultConnector::permit implementation.


473/// @inheritdoc IEVC
474function permit(
475 address signer,
476 uint256 nonceNamespace,
477 uint256 nonce,
478 uint256 deadline,
479 uint256 value,
480 bytes calldata data,
481 bytes calldata signature
482) public payable virtual nonReentrantChecksAndControlCollateral {
483 // cannot be called within the self-call of the permit function; can occur for nested calls
484 if (inPermitSelfCall()) {
485 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
486 }
488 if (signer == address(0) || !isSignerValid(signer)) {
489 revert EVC_InvalidAddress();
490 }
492 bytes19 addressPrefix = getAddressPrefixInternal(signer);
493 uint256 currentNonce = nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace];
495 if (currentNonce == type(uint256).max || currentNonce != nonce) {
496 revert EVC_InvalidNonce();
497 }
499 if (deadline < block.timestamp) {
500 revert EVC_InvalidTimestamp();
501 }
503 if (data.length == 0) {
504 revert EVC_InvalidData();
505 }
507 bytes32 permitHash = getPermitHash(signer, nonceNamespace, nonce, deadline, value, data);
509 if (
510 signer != recoverECDSASigner(permitHash, signature)
511 && !isValidERC1271Signature(signer, permitHash, signature)
512 ) {
513 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
514 }
516 if (ownerLookup[addressPrefix].isPermitDisabledMode) {
517 revert EVC_PermitDisabledMode();
518 }
520 unchecked {
521 nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace] = currentNonce + 1;
522 }
524 emit NonceUsed(addressPrefix, nonceNamespace, nonce);
526 // EVC address becomes the msg.sender for the duration this self-call, no authentication is required here.
527 // the signer will be later on authenticated as per data, depending on the functions that will be called
528 (bool success, bytes memory result) = callWithContextInternal(address(this), signer, value, data);
530 if (!success) revertBytes(result);


We advise this particular point of the specification to be rephrased and refined to a more granular level, permitting its association with the code to be made with ease.

We believe the invariant is "breached" deliberately by the EthereumVaultConnector::permit call, and thus the permit-related nuisance should be introduced to the aforementioned bullet point of the project's specification.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The Euler Finance team highlighted that the specifications outlined within the Ethereum Vault Connector repository might be outdated, and that the specifications within the Linear software should be considered up-to-date.

As such, the relevant re-entrancy requirement labelled CER-49 has been updated in the Linear app to reflect the deliberate permit-related re-entrancy thereby addressing this exhibit.

EVR-02M: Documentation Discrepancy of Security Flags


The whitepaper of the Ethereum Vault Connector and specifically the Permit Disabled Mode subsection of the Security Considerations chapter details that the PERMIT DISABLED MODE is a subset of the LOCKDOWN MODE which is not correct.

While the LOCKDOWN MODE itself cannot be affected, EthereumVaultConnector::permit operations will successfully execute during its duration and can result in operators being mutated, nonces being invalidated, and so on.


As no exploitable attack vector arises from this discrepancy, we consider it to be a documentation mismatch rather than vulnerability.


473/// @inheritdoc IEVC
474function permit(
475 address signer,
476 uint256 nonceNamespace,
477 uint256 nonce,
478 uint256 deadline,
479 uint256 value,
480 bytes calldata data,
481 bytes calldata signature
482) public payable virtual nonReentrantChecksAndControlCollateral {
483 // cannot be called within the self-call of the permit function; can occur for nested calls
484 if (inPermitSelfCall()) {
485 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
486 }
488 if (signer == address(0) || !isSignerValid(signer)) {
489 revert EVC_InvalidAddress();
490 }
492 bytes19 addressPrefix = getAddressPrefixInternal(signer);
493 uint256 currentNonce = nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace];
495 if (currentNonce == type(uint256).max || currentNonce != nonce) {
496 revert EVC_InvalidNonce();
497 }
499 if (deadline < block.timestamp) {
500 revert EVC_InvalidTimestamp();
501 }
503 if (data.length == 0) {
504 revert EVC_InvalidData();
505 }
507 bytes32 permitHash = getPermitHash(signer, nonceNamespace, nonce, deadline, value, data);
509 if (
510 signer != recoverECDSASigner(permitHash, signature)
511 && !isValidERC1271Signature(signer, permitHash, signature)
512 ) {
513 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
514 }
516 if (ownerLookup[addressPrefix].isPermitDisabledMode) {
517 revert EVC_PermitDisabledMode();
518 }
520 unchecked {
521 nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace] = currentNonce + 1;
522 }
524 emit NonceUsed(addressPrefix, nonceNamespace, nonce);
526 // EVC address becomes the msg.sender for the duration this self-call, no authentication is required here.
527 // the signer will be later on authenticated as per data, depending on the functions that will be called
528 (bool success, bytes memory result) = callWithContextInternal(address(this), signer, value, data);
530 if (!success) revertBytes(result);


We do not consider these permit consumptions to be of security concern as the LOCKDOWN MODE cannot be disabled with a permit and thus only permitted actions can occur via the EthereumVaultConnector::permit.

In order to alleviate this discrepancy, we advise either the documentation to be updated to not state that the PERMIT DISABLED MODE is a subset, or the isPermitDisabledMode flag to be set in tandem with the isLockdownMode flag during an execution of the EthereumVaultConnector::setLockdownMode to an enabled status of true.

We consider either of the two aforementioned solutions as adequate in resolving this whitepaper and code discrepancy.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The documentation discrepancy has been corrected in the Ethereum Vault Connector whitepaper, effectively addressing this exhibit.

EVR-03M: Potentially Illegible Revert Error


The EthereumVaultConnector::checkStatusAllWithResult function is meant to be utilized during simulations to evaluate exactly where a failure occurred, however, the EthereumVaultConnector::checkAccountStatusInternal function may revert without any indication of the account being checked.


The present simulation environment may revert without providing the caller with adequate information to debug the transaction due to an indefinite EVC_ControllerViolation error arising.


851function checkAccountStatusInternal(address account) internal virtual returns (bool isValid, bytes memory result) {
852 uint256 numOfControllers = accountControllers[account].numElements;
853 address controller = accountControllers[account].firstElement;
855 if (numOfControllers == 0) return (true, "");
856 else if (numOfControllers > 1) revert EVC_ControllerViolation();
858 bool success;
859 (success, result) =
860, (account, accountCollaterals[account].get())));
862 isValid = success && result.length == 32
863 && abi.decode(result, (bytes32)) == bytes32(IVault.checkAccountStatus.selector);
865 emit AccountStatusCheck(account, controller);


We advise the code to instead yield false and the EVC_ControllerViolation error encoded as the result payload, delegating handling of the error to its callers.

Alternatively, we advise an argument to be introduced to the error itself that indicates for which account the controller violation occurred ensuring that even if uncaught, the overall transaction's reversion will depict which account caused the failure

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

Our primary recommendation has been applied to the codebase, yielding false to indicate that the call failed and returning the EVC_ControllerViolation error selector thus permitting it to bubble-up properly.

EVR-04M: Potentially Insecure Acceptance of Funds


The EthereumVaultConnector is never expected to retain funds at rest, and would only receive native funds as part of a batch operation temporarily.


The EthereumVaultConnector will presently accept native funds even if they were directly transmitted to it which we consider incorrect as its specification details funds should only be held transiently during a batch operation.

To note, blind acceptance of finds is distinct from funds that are distributed as part of a normal payable function call in which case we can assume the caller has deliberately sent them.


93receive() external payable {
94 // only receives value, no need to do anything here


We advise this to be reflected in the code itself, ensuring that checks are deferred whenever the EthereumVaultConnector::receive function is triggered and thus ensuring funds are never accidentally at risk.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The EthereumVaultConnector::receive function was updated to accept receipt of native funds solely when checks are deferred, implying that the funds were received in between a batch operation.

As such, we consider this exhibit fully addressed.

EVR-05M: Potentially Restrictive Push Pattern


Once a controller is attached to a particular account, it cannot be removed unless the controller themselves will initiate a transaction and invoke the EthereumVaultConnector::disableController.

While this is a necessary security feature to ensure that collaterals cannot be exploited while they are meant to be reserved for a controller, the current mechanism is prohibitive in case of failure of the controller and could result in an inoperative account if the IVault::checkAccountStatus function of the controller reverts for any reason.


Properly behaving IVault controllers will not result in this error, however, we consider it imperative that an account's assets are protected in case the controller misbehaves due to an unintentional mistake, such as a controller being added that does not have the IVault::checkAccountStatus function defined.

To note, the expiration should be reset every time a successful validation has occurred to avoid exploitations of reverts enforced by a malicious user.


851function checkAccountStatusInternal(address account) internal virtual returns (bool isValid, bytes memory result) {
852 uint256 numOfControllers = accountControllers[account].numElements;
853 address controller = accountControllers[account].firstElement;
855 if (numOfControllers == 0) return (true, "");
856 else if (numOfControllers > 1) revert EVC_ControllerViolation();
858 bool success;
859 (success, result) =
860, (account, accountCollaterals[account].get())));
862 isValid = success && result.length == 32
863 && abi.decode(result, (bytes32)) == bytes32(IVault.checkAccountStatus.selector);
865 emit AccountStatusCheck(account, controller);


We believe that the specification of vaults meant to integrate with the EthereumVaultConnector should be updated to specify that the IVault::checkAccountStatus MUST not revert under any circumstances in RFC-2119 terminology, ensuring that the controllers developed for the EVC are aware of this trait.

Additionally, the EthereumVaultConnector::checkAccountStatusInternal function should handle failures differently by potentially implementing a grace period after which continuous account status failures will permit the controller to be removed.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The Euler Finance team deliberated this exhibit internally and has opted to acknowledge the behaviour described.

In detail, the Euler Finance team's response is as follows\:

We accept the fact that the controller's IVault::checkAccountStatus function failure may result in inoperative account. The unopinionated nature of the Ethereum Vault Connector contract prohibit us from implementing a recommended grace period after which continuous account status failures would allow the controller to be removed.

Additionally, it must be noted that it is desired for the IVault::checkAccountStatus to revert deliberately due to invalid account status. Instead of updating the documentation to say that the function must not revert under any circumstances, it was updated to say that this function must only deliberately revert if the account status is invalid. The was a note added to emphasize the fact that if this function reverts due to any other reason, it may render the account unusable with possibly no way to recover funds.

Based on the aforementioned feedback, we consider this exhibit safely acknowledged as the Euler Finance team is fully aware of the acknowledgement's ramifications.

EVR-06M: Undocumented Operator Restriction


The operator of a particular account is meant to be able to have access to all 256 accounts of a "master" Account per the project's documentation, however, the codebase's present structure prevents them from doing so.

Specifically, an operator must have a non-zero bitmask which in turn means that they will have access to at most 255 out of the 256 accounts attached to a "master" account. The account that is inaccessible is the owner of the address prefix, and an operator for this account might be desirable in single-account use cases as well as smart contract use cases of the EVC.


The whitepaper and specification never explicitly mention that an operator should be assign-able to all 256 accounts of a "master" account, and as such, we cannot reliably assess the severity of this exhibit.

If this turns out to be a desirable use case, the severity will be set to minor. Alternatively, the severity will be set to informational after the adjustment of the documentation to highlight this trait.


1038function isAccountOperatorAuthorizedInternal(
1039 address account,
1040 address operator
1041) internal view returns (bool isAuthorized) {
1042 address owner = getAccountOwnerInternal(account);
1044 // if the owner is not registered yet, it means that the operator couldn't have been authorized
1045 if (owner == address(0)) return false;
1047 bytes19 addressPrefix = getAddressPrefixInternal(account);
1049 // The bitMask defines which accounts the operator is authorized for. The bitMask is created from the account
1050 // number which is a number up to 2^8 in binary, or 256. 1 << (uint160(owner) ^ uint160(account)) transforms
1051 // that number in an 256-position binary array like 0...010...0, marking the account positionally in a uint256.
1052 uint256 bitMask = 1 << (uint160(owner) ^ uint160(account));
1054 return operatorLookup[addressPrefix][operator] & bitMask != 0;


We advise this trait to be evaluated, and potentially reflected in the documentation properly or addressed in the code of the EthereumVaultConnector itself.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

After discussions with the Euler Finance team, we confirmed that this finding is invalid due to a misunderstanding of how the bitMask is calculated.

Specifically, the result of the XOR operation between the owner and the account will be in the [0, 255] inclusive range and act as a bitwise shift input.

The actual mask is generated by the calculation 1 << xorResult (i.e. 1 << [0,255]) which is guaranteed to yield a non-zero positive number that always fits within the uint256 data type.

As such, the original exhibit is invalid and the code indeed permits the "master" account of an addressPrefix to be authorized to operators as well.

EVR-07M: Arbitrary Consumption of Permit Operations


While defined as a desirable trait by the project's specification, the EthereumVaultConnector::permit function will permit any caller to activate a signed payload.

This may cause UX hinderances as well as potential Denial-of-Service failures for on-chain contract flows if the EthereumVaultConnector::permit function is directly integrated by a smart contract.


The EthereumVaultConnector::permit function permits any user to submit a signed payload thereby causing an on-chain race condition to manifest if the same payload is submitted by two distinct parties.

This issue can be exacerbated by smart contracts that integrate with the EthereumVaultConnector::permit function, resulting in Denial-of-Service attacks if these integrations mandate a successful EthereumVaultConnector::permit execution.


473/// @inheritdoc IEVC
474function permit(
475 address signer,
476 uint256 nonceNamespace,
477 uint256 nonce,
478 uint256 deadline,
479 uint256 value,
480 bytes calldata data,
481 bytes calldata signature
482) public payable virtual nonReentrantChecksAndControlCollateral {
483 // cannot be called within the self-call of the permit function; can occur for nested calls
484 if (inPermitSelfCall()) {
485 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
486 }
488 if (signer == address(0) || !isSignerValid(signer)) {
489 revert EVC_InvalidAddress();
490 }
492 bytes19 addressPrefix = getAddressPrefixInternal(signer);
493 uint256 currentNonce = nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace];
495 if (currentNonce == type(uint256).max || currentNonce != nonce) {
496 revert EVC_InvalidNonce();
497 }
499 if (deadline < block.timestamp) {
500 revert EVC_InvalidTimestamp();
501 }
503 if (data.length == 0) {
504 revert EVC_InvalidData();
505 }
507 bytes32 permitHash = getPermitHash(signer, nonceNamespace, nonce, deadline, value, data);
509 if (
510 signer != recoverECDSASigner(permitHash, signature)
511 && !isValidERC1271Signature(signer, permitHash, signature)
512 ) {
513 revert EVC_NotAuthorized();
514 }
516 if (ownerLookup[addressPrefix].isPermitDisabledMode) {
517 revert EVC_PermitDisabledMode();
518 }
520 unchecked {
521 nonceLookup[addressPrefix][nonceNamespace] = currentNonce + 1;
522 }
524 emit NonceUsed(addressPrefix, nonceNamespace, nonce);
526 // EVC address becomes the msg.sender for the duration this self-call, no authentication is required here.
527 // the signer will be later on authenticated as per data, depending on the functions that will be called
528 (bool success, bytes memory result) = callWithContextInternal(address(this), signer, value, data);
530 if (!success) revertBytes(result);


We advise the overall permit hash and payload to contain an optional sender argument which specifies if a specific address should only be able to activate the EthereumVaultConnector::permit, preventing the aforementioned race condition from manifesting.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The EthereumVaultConnector::permit function was updated to incorporate an optional sender argument that can be specified as 0 in case no dedicated sender should be restricted.

The relevant EIP-712 hashes have been updated as well to accommodate for the new entry, ensuring that the change has been adopted properly in the signature-based component of the EthereumVaultConnector::permit function.

EVR-08M: Invalidation of Specification Invariant (27)


The Ethereum Vault Connector specification and specifically bullet point 27 uses RFC-2119 terminology and specifies that:

Execution Context's Account on behalf of which the current low-level call is being performed MUST be storing address(0) when Account and Vault Status Checks are in progress.

This invariant can be breached by an unusual combination of function calls. In detail, a user can invoke the EthereumVaultConnector::permit function which will mutate the onBehalfOfAccount entry but will not defer checks.

Should this EthereumVaultConnector::permit operation be performed on the EthereumVaultConnector::batchRevert function, the account and vault status checks that will be performed in the following call chain will have a non-zero on behalf of account, breaching the invariant:


We identified a breach of the Ethereum Vault Connector's invariants under unusual circumstances that should not result in a vulnerability within a production environment.


601/// @inheritdoc IEVC
602function batchRevert(BatchItem[] calldata items) public payable virtual nonReentrantChecksAndControlCollateral {
603 BatchItemResult[] memory batchItemsResult;
604 StatusCheckResult[] memory accountsStatusCheckResult;
605 StatusCheckResult[] memory vaultsStatusCheckResult;
607 EC contextCache = executionContext;
609 if (contextCache.areChecksDeferred()) {
610 revert EVC_SimulationBatchNested();
611 }
613 executionContext = contextCache.setChecksDeferred().setSimulationInProgress();
615 uint256 length = items.length;
616 batchItemsResult = new BatchItemResult[](length);
618 for (uint256 i; i < length; ++i) {
619 BatchItem calldata item = items[i];
620 (batchItemsResult[i].success, batchItemsResult[i].result) =
621 callWithAuthenticationInternal(item.targetContract, item.onBehalfOfAccount, item.value,;
622 }
624 executionContext = contextCache.setChecksInProgress();
626 accountsStatusCheckResult = checkStatusAllWithResult(SetType.Account);
627 vaultsStatusCheckResult = checkStatusAllWithResult(SetType.Vault);
629 executionContext = contextCache;
631 revert EVC_RevertedBatchResult(batchItemsResult, accountsStatusCheckResult, vaultsStatusCheckResult);


We consider this invocation sequence to be non-standard and thus the breach of the invariant occurs under circumstances that integrators will practically never rely on.

In any case, we believe that a clarification of the specification would be appropriate given that it uses strict RFC-2119 terminology and it should be accurate in this regard.

Alleviation (577d1991de2aa6c1b0578e9e45d363e8d6799408):

The EthereumVaultConnector::batchRevert function was updated to properly zero-out the on-behalf-of account in case of the aforementioned scenario, alleviating this exhibit in full.