Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

SwapHandlerUniAutoRouter Manual Review Findings

SwapHandlerUniAutoRouter Manual Review Findings

SHA-01M: Arbitrary Payload Invocations


The swapInternal function relays an arbitrary payload to the uniSwapRouter02 via the call instruction which should be considered unsafe depending on the functions exposed by the uniSwapRouter02 contract.


35function swapInternal(SwapParams memory params) private {
36 (bool success, bytes memory result) =;
37 if (!success) revertBytes(result);


We advise the swapInternal function to at least validate the params.payload signature and only allow a sub-set of function signatures of uniSwapRouter02 to be invoked. Alternatively, we advise the swapInternal to be refactored to not utilize a call instruction at all and to instead use explicit functions exposed by the uniSwapRouter02 contract by decoding the input arguments contained in params.payload.


The Euler Finance team evaluated this exhibit and has stated that while arbitrary code execution can be dangerous, in a similar lieu to SHI-01M they believe that validation would incur additional gas costs especially in relation to the Uniswap V2 implementation that contains very strict code interactions and does not pose a threat if interacted via any of its publicly exposed methods. Given that Uniswap V2 call validation can be performed, however, we will address this exhibit as acknowledged.