Omniscia Kwenta Audit

EscrowMigrator Manual Review Findings

EscrowMigrator Manual Review Findings

EMR-01M: Inexistent Sanitization of Array Length


The EscrowMigrator::_registerEntries function does not sanitize its _entryIDs array, permitting an empty array to be specified and thus initiate the user without actually registering any entries.


288function _registerEntries(address _account, uint256[] calldata _entryIDs)
289 internal
290 whenNotPaused
292 if (!initiated[_account]) {
293 if (stakingRewardsV1.earned(_account) != 0) revert MustClaimStakingRewards();
294 if (rewardEscrowV1.balanceOf(_account) == 0) revert NoEscrowBalanceToMigrate();
296 initiated[_account] = true;
297 escrowVestedAtStart[_account] = rewardEscrowV1.totalVestedAccountBalance(_account);
298 }
300 uint256 registeredEscrow;
301 for (uint256 i = 0; i < _entryIDs.length; i++) {


We advise a length requirement to be specified ensuring that the array is not empty.


The Kwenta team evaluated this exhibit and opted to retain the current behaviour in place as they deem it desirable behaviour for a user to be able to "register" with zero entries. As such, we consider this exhibit nullified.

EMR-02M: Improper Deployment Methodology


The EscrowMigrator contract is meant to be deployed and be set as the treasuryDAO of the RewardEscrow contract in order to receive early vest fees. As such, its default state should be "paused".


Although highly unlikely due to the usage of modern deployment practices, should the EscrowMigrator be utilized by even a single user before V1 is properly set up to redirect early vest fees to it, the accounting system of the contract will become corrupted as it will be at a loss of the early vest fees of the first user's registered entries.


108/// @inheritdoc IEscrowMigrator
109function initialize(address _contractOwner) external override initializer {
110 if (_contractOwner == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
112 // Initialize inherited contracts
113 __Ownable2Step_init();
114 __Pausable_init();
115 __UUPSUpgradeable_init();
117 // transfer ownership
118 _transferOwnership(_contractOwner);


We advise the contract to pause itself in the EscrowMigrator::initialize function, ensuring that it is not interacted with until all preparations on V1 have been completed.


The EscrowMigrator::initialize function was updated to properly initialize the contract in a paused state via the PausableUpgradeable::_pause function, alleviating this exhibit.

EMR-03M: Inexistent Application of Checks-Effects-Interactions


The EscrowMigrator::_migrateEntries function will validate that an entry has not been migrated yet, will migrate it, and then set it as "migrated". This pattern is ill-advised as any re-entrancy during the external interactions in between the validation and the adjustment of the migrated flag could exploit the system.


While not an active security threat, it may latently arise in a future upgrade of the RewardEscrowV2 which could significantly affect funds held by the EscrowMigrator contract.


364// skip if already migrated
365if (registeredEntry.migrated) continue;
367/// @dev it essential for security that the duration is not less than the cooldown period,
368/// otherwise the user could do a governance attack by bypassing the unstaking cooldown lock
369/// by migrating their escrow then staking, voting, and vesting immediately
370if (duration < cooldown) {
371 uint256 timeCreated = endTime - duration;
372 duration = cooldown;
373 endTime = uint64(timeCreated + cooldown);
376IRewardEscrowV2.VestingEntry memory entry = IRewardEscrowV2.VestingEntry({
377 escrowAmount: originalEscrowAmount,
378 duration: duration,
379 endTime: endTime,
380 earlyVestingFee: 90
383kwenta.transfer(address(rewardEscrowV2), originalEscrowAmount);
384rewardEscrowV2.importEscrowEntry(_to, entry);
386registeredEntry.migrated = true;


While no re-entrancy can presently occur, the RewardEscrowV2 contract may utilize a "safe" minting procedure as defined by the EIP-721 standard which would be re-entrant. To this end, we advise the migrated flag to be set to true right after its validation as the code can only fatally fail in the ensuing statements which would revert the state change properly.


The code's statements were re-ordered per our recommendation, ensuring that a registered entry is marked as migrated immediately after being evaluated as not being so, conforming to the CEI pattern and alleviating this exhibit.

EMR-04M: Overly Restrictive Pre-Condition


The EscrowMigrator::_registerEntries function will mandate that the _account registering the entries does not have any earned rewards in the StakingRewards contract.

While this restriction would function fine in a test environment, in a production environment non-negligible time may elapse between a call to StakingRewards::getReward and EscrowMigrator::registerEntries.

The time elapsed between those two calls would be sufficient for the earned reward of the user to go to a non-zero value (depending on how much liquid balance they have staked) and as such, it may prove impossible to properly register their entries in time.


The EscrowMigrator may prove unusable in a production environment where multiple minutes may elapse between transactions due to block confirmation times, delays in user actions, multi-signature wallet interactions, and other such real-life conditions.


288function _registerEntries(address _account, uint256[] calldata _entryIDs)
289 internal
290 whenNotPaused
292 if (!initiated[_account]) {
293 if (stakingRewardsV1.earned(_account) != 0) revert MustClaimStakingRewards();
294 if (rewardEscrowV1.balanceOf(_account) == 0) revert NoEscrowBalanceToMigrate();
296 initiated[_account] = true;
297 escrowVestedAtStart[_account] = rewardEscrowV1.totalVestedAccountBalance(_account);
298 }


We advise the code to either instruct users to fully exit the StakingRewards contract or to apply a "dust" threshold in the earned rewards of the account rather than ensuring the earned rewards are exactly 0.

We consider either of the two approaches as appropriate remediations to this exhibit.


After discussions with the Kwenta team, we assessed that the contract is intended to be utilized for migrations once the reward distributor no longer disburses funds to the stakingRewardsV1 member.

Based on this deployment assumption, we consider this exhibit to be nullified as it would only manifest if the stakingRewardsV1 continued distributing rewards to its stakers as the migration process was taking place.