Omniscia Mean Finance Audit

UniswapV3Adapter Code Style Findings

UniswapV3Adapter Code Style Findings

UVA-01C: Inexplicable Usage of Lower-Accuracy Types


The linked variables use a variable type less than 256-bits which is sub-optimal given that the EVM is built to operate on 256-bit types and any type less than that is artificial by the Solidity compiler using padding and unpadding instructions. Additionally, the variables declared in sequence do not occupy a full storage slot (i.e. the bit sum of period, cardinalityPerMinute, and gasPerCardinality does not exceed 256 bits) thus allowing room for expansion of the bit types.


24/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3Adapter
25uint16 public period;
26/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3Adapter
27uint8 public cardinalityPerMinute;
28/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3Adapter
29uint32 public gasPerCardinality = 22_250;


We advise the period to be expanded to a uint32 data type (thus rendering the casting operation performed in _addOrModifySupportForPair redundant) and the gasPerCardinality type to be set to a uint216 data type thus making use of the full storage slot the three variables occupy.


The period, gasPerCardinality as well as the newly declared gasCostToSupportPool variables have all had their bit-sizes adjusted to fit within the 256-bit threshold described in the exhibit thus optimizing the codebase.