Omniscia Mean Finance Audit

TakeRunSwapAndTransfer Code Style Findings

TakeRunSwapAndTransfer Code Style Findings

TRS-01C: Cross-Contract Function Overlap


The takeRunSwapAndTransfer function contains the exact same statements as the takeAndRunSwap function of the TakeAndRunSwap contract except for the last statement.


33function takeRunSwapAndTransfer(TakeRunSwapAndTransferParams calldata _parameters)
34 public
35 payable
36 virtual
37 onlyAllowlisted(_parameters.swapper)
39 if (_parameters.tokenIn != PROTOCOL_TOKEN) {
40 _takeFromMsgSender(IERC20(_parameters.tokenIn), _parameters.maxAmountIn);
41 _maxApproveSpenderIfNeeded(
42 IERC20(_parameters.tokenIn),
43 _parameters.allowanceTarget,
44 _parameters.swapper == _parameters.allowanceTarget, // If target is a swapper, then it's ok as allowance target
45 _parameters.maxAmountIn
46 );
47 _executeSwap(_parameters.swapper, _parameters.swapData, 0);
48 } else {
49 _executeSwap(_parameters.swapper, _parameters.swapData, _parameters.maxAmountIn);
50 }
51 if (_parameters.checkUnspentTokensIn) {
52 _sendBalanceOnContractToRecipient(_parameters.tokenIn, msg.sender);
53 }
54 _sendBalanceOnContractToRecipient(_parameters.tokenOut, _parameters.recipient);


We advise the TakeAndRunSwap contract to refactor its code to make use of internal functions and the TakeRunSwapAndTransfer contract to inherit from it and make proper use of its internal functions reducing code maintenance cost across the codebase.


The Mean Finance team evaluated this exhibit and opted to not apply the optimization advised as they wish to retain the current implementation in favour of de-coupling and minimizing inter-contract dependencies. As a result, we consider this exhibit acknowledged.