Omniscia Mean Finance Audit

TransformerRegistry Manual Review Findings

TransformerRegistry Manual Review Findings

TRY-01M: Inexistent Deprecation Workflow


The registerTransformers function & removeTransformers function permit previously registered transformers to be arbitrarily overwritten.


22/// @inheritdoc ITransformerRegistry
23function registerTransformers(TransformerRegistration[] calldata _registrations) external onlyGovernor {
24 for (uint256 i; i < _registrations.length; i++) {
25 TransformerRegistration memory _registration = _registrations[i];
26 // Make sure the given address is actually a transformer
27 bool _isTransformer = ERC165Checker.supportsInterface(_registration.transformer, type(ITransformer).interfaceId);
28 if (!_isTransformer) revert AddressIsNotTransformer(_registration.transformer);
29 for (uint256 j; j < _registration.dependents.length; j++) {
30 _registeredTransformer[_registration.dependents[j]] = ITransformer(_registration.transformer);
31 }
32 }
33 emit TransformersRegistered(_registrations);


We advise some form of deprecation methodology to be utilized instead ensuring that the transformers cannot be maliciously adjusted at will as otherwise the registerTransformers & removeTransformers functions pose a significant centralization risk.

Alleviation (6ed56b5449ca241fc6be369d44f392f1f5313f93):

The Mean Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted not to apply a remediation for it in the current version of the codebase as they deem it a non-issue. As a result, we consider the exhibit acknowledged.

TRY-02M: Incorrect Balance Measurement Methodology


The transformAllToDependent function incorrectly measures the balance available for the transformToDependent call for any native asset as it does not utilize the current address(this).balance.


The transformAllToDependent function is currently inoperable for any transformer using native assets as the balanceOf measurement will fail at the designated PROTOCOL_TOKEN address.


125/// @inheritdoc ITransformerRegistry
126function transformAllToDependent(address _dependent, address _recipient) external payable returns (uint256) {
127 ITransformer _transformer = _getTransformerOrFail(_dependent);
129 // Calculate underlying
130 address[] memory _underlying = _transformer.getUnderlying(_dependent);
131 UnderlyingAmount[] memory _underlyingAmount = new UnderlyingAmount[](_underlying.length);
132 for (uint256 i; i < _underlying.length; i++) {
133 address _underlyingToken = _underlying[i];
134 _underlyingAmount[i] = UnderlyingAmount({underlying: _underlyingToken, amount: IERC20(_underlyingToken).balanceOf(msg.sender)});
135 }
137 // Delegate
138 bytes memory _result = _delegateToTransformer(
139 _transformer,
140 abi.encodeWithSelector(_transformer.transformToDependent.selector, _dependent, _underlyingAmount, _recipient)
141 );
142 return abi.decode(_result, (uint256));


We advise the case of the PROTOCOL_TOKEN to be handled appropriately by including a conditional that instead uses address(this).balance (which accounts for the currently active msg.value) for the UnderlyingAmount entry that will ultimately be transmitted to the transformer.

Alleviation (6ed56b5449ca241fc6be369d44f392f1f5313f93):

The balance measurement methodology was adequately updated to branch depending on whether the _underlyingToken represents the PROTOCOL_TOKEN or not, ensuring that the balances are measured correctly.