Omniscia Tangible Audit

Code Style

Code Style

During the manual portion of the audit, we identified 24 optimizations that can be applied to the codebase that will decrease the operational cost associated with the execution of a particular function and generally ensure that the project complies with the latest best practices and standards in Solidity.

Additionally, this section of the audit contains any opinionated adjustments we believe the code should make to make it more legible as well as truer to its purpose.

These optimizations are enumerated below:

AUS-01CGas Inefficient Sorting Algorithm
AUS-02CRedundant Usage of Checked Arithmetics
BTE-01CInefficient mapping Lookups
BTE-02CInexistent Error Messages
BTE-03CMultiple Expensive Balance Measurements
BTE-04CPotentially Inefficient Array Shifts
BTE-05CRedundant Assignment & Addition Operations
BTE-06CRedundant Evaluation of Claimable Rent
BTE-07CRedundant Invocations of Decimals
BTE-08CRedundant Parenthesis Statements
BTE-09CRedundant Yield of Boolean
BTE-10CRepetitive Value Literals
BTE-11CSuboptimal Struct Declaration Styles
BMR-01CGeneric Typographic Mistake
BMR-02CInefficient Loop Limit Evaluation
BMR-03CInefficient On-Chain Sorting of Features
BMR-04CMultiple Mappings w/ Shared Key
BMR-05CRepetitive Invocations of Getter Functions
BMR-06CSub-Optimal Availability Mappings
BVC-01CRedundant Extra Data Payload
GVR-01CInefficient Data Structure
GVR-02CRedundant Casting Operation
GVR-03CSuboptimal Segregation of Data
VRF-01CPotential Optimization of Variable Mutability