Omniscia Teahouse Finance Audit

TeaVaultV3Portfolio Manual Review Findings

TeaVaultV3Portfolio Manual Review Findings

TVV-01M: Non-Standard Gap Size Specification


The __gap variable is meant to adhere to the OpenZeppelin upgradeability standard, however, its size has been incorrectly defined. Specifically, the size of the __gap variable should equate the value of 50 minus all storage slots presently reserved by the contract.


813uint256[35] private __gap;


We advise the __gap variable's length to be corrected to 50 - 18 = 32 instead of 35 as the contract presently reserves 18 storage slots. Should the immutable and constant optimizations advised be applied, the length should instead be corrected to 34.

Alleviation (302b96f324a88038a0872015466cd43783c14543):

The __gap variable's length has been corrected to 34 as the immutable and constant optimizations have been applied to the codebase.

TVV-02M: Discrepant Management of Fee Times


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio is discrepant in the way it handles time updates for its management and performance fees. Specifically, it will update the management fee regardless of whether any shares were actually collected (i.e. due to a short interval) whilst the performance fee time will solely be updated when non-zero fees have been acquired.


The system will currently forfeit management fees if they are frequently captured whilst performance fees will always be captured regardless of invocation frequency.


356function _collectManagementFee(
357 uint256 _totalShares,
358 FeeConfig memory _feeConfig
359) internal returns (
360 uint256 collectedShares
361) {
362 uint256 timeDiff = block.timestamp - lastCollectManagementFee;
363 if (timeDiff > 0) {
364 unchecked {
365 uint256 feeTimesTimediff = _feeConfig.managementFee * timeDiff;
366 uint256 denominator = (
369 1
370 );
371 collectedShares = _totalShares.mulDiv(feeTimesTimediff, denominator, MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up);
372 }
374 if (collectedShares > 0) {
375 _mint(_feeConfig.vault, collectedShares);
376 emit ManagementFeeCollected(_feeConfig.vault, collectedShares, block.timestamp);
377 }
379 lastCollectManagementFee = block.timestamp;
380 }
383/// @inheritdoc ITeaVaultV3Portfolio
384function collectPerformanceFee() external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 collectedShares) {
385 ERC20Upgradeable[] memory _assets = assets;
387 return _collectPerformanceFee(
388 totalSupply(),
389 _calculateAssetsValue(_assets, _calculateTotalAmounts(_assets), _getAssetsTwap(_assets)),
390 feeConfig
391 );
394function _collectPerformanceFee(
395 uint256 _totalShares,
396 uint256 _totalValue,
397 FeeConfig memory _feeConfig
398) internal returns (
399 uint256 collectedShares
400) {
401 // calculate and transfer the unlocked performance fee from the reserve
402 uint256 timeDiff = block.timestamp - lastCollectPerformanceFee;
403 if (performanceFeeReserve > 0 && timeDiff > 0) {
404 collectedShares = performanceFeeReserve.mulDiv(
405 (1 << 128) - power128(feeConfig.decayFactor, timeDiff),
406 1 << 128,
407 MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up
408 );
409 if (collectedShares > 0) {
410 performanceFeeReserve -= collectedShares;
411 _transfer(address(this), feeConfig.vault, collectedShares);
412 lastCollectPerformanceFee = block.timestamp;
413 emit PerformanceFeeCollected(feeConfig.vault, collectedShares, block.timestamp);
414 }
415 }


We advise this discrepancy to be corrected, either ensuring that both fees have their time updated when fees are actually acquired or that the time is updated regardless of whether fees have been collected, the former of which we expect to be desirable behaviour.

Alleviation (302b96f324a88038a0872015466cd43783c14543):

The TeaVaultV3Portfolio::_collectPerformanceFee function was updated to assign its lastCollectPerformanceFee value at all times regardless of whether a fee was actually captured.

As such, we consider this exhibit alleviated as the performance and management fees have become consistent in their application.

TVV-03M: Improper Fee Acquisition Methodology


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio system will acquire deposit fees by extracting an additional value on top of the expected deposit from the caller. This is non-standard behaviour and will lead to significant UX problems given that users will have to "over-approve" their assets to the system in order to interact with it.


The current deposit fee acquisition mechanism will lead to failed transactions, difficulty in on-chain integration, and a generally bad user experience for users and integrators alike.


274for (uint256 i; i < assetsLength; i = i + 1) {
275 if (shareAmounts[i] > 0) {
276 _assets[i].safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), shareAmounts[i]);
277 totalAmount = totalAmount + shareAmounts[i];
279 // collect entry fee for users
280 // do not collect entry fee for fee recipient
281 if (senderNotVault) {
282 entryFeeAmount = shareAmounts[i].mulDiv(
283 _feeConfig.entryFee,
285 MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up
286 );
288 if (entryFeeAmount > 0) {
289 totalAmount = totalAmount + entryFeeAmount;
290 _assets[i].safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _feeConfig.vault, entryFeeAmount);
291 entryFeeAmounts[i] = entryFeeAmount;
292 }
293 }
294 depositedAmounts[i] = shareAmounts[i] + entryFeeAmount;
295 }


We advise the fee to either be imposed on the input amounts, or to be imposed on the output _shares, either of which we consider an adequate resolution to this exhibit.

Alleviation (302b96f324):

The Teahouse Finance team specified that the user would not over-approve in this case as the calculations are performed before the deposit is actually done.

We would like to note that on-chain contracts would not be able to reliably integrate with the system, and the over-approval in our exhibit refers to an approval beyond the actual deposit rather than a lingering approval from the user to the system.

Based on the aforementioned facts, we advise the Teahouse Finance team to revisit this exhibit.

Alleviation (1dc136da87):

The Teahouse Finance team revisited this exhibit and opted to retain the current behaviour in place, rendering it acknowledged.

TVV-04M: Improper Order of Performance Fee Evaluation


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio::_collectPerformanceFee function is currently incorrect as it will attempt to capture the performance fee from a pool of shares that are calculated after the fee is captured.

Coupled with the fact that the performance fee's time variable is updated solely when fees are captured, the system becomes inefficient as it will have to be re-invoked to actually capture the fees reserved in the latter part of the function's body.


The system is presently inefficient and would lead to untapped performance fees at any given time.


394function _collectPerformanceFee(
395 uint256 _totalShares,
396 uint256 _totalValue,
397 FeeConfig memory _feeConfig
398) internal returns (
399 uint256 collectedShares
400) {
401 // calculate and transfer the unlocked performance fee from the reserve
402 uint256 timeDiff = block.timestamp - lastCollectPerformanceFee;
403 if (performanceFeeReserve > 0 && timeDiff > 0) {
404 collectedShares = performanceFeeReserve.mulDiv(
405 (1 << 128) - power128(feeConfig.decayFactor, timeDiff),
406 1 << 128,
407 MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up
408 );
409 if (collectedShares > 0) {
410 performanceFeeReserve -= collectedShares;
411 _transfer(address(this), feeConfig.vault, collectedShares);
412 lastCollectPerformanceFee = block.timestamp;
413 emit PerformanceFeeCollected(feeConfig.vault, collectedShares, block.timestamp);
414 }
415 }
417 if (_totalShares != 0) {
418 if (_totalValue > highWaterMark) {
419 uint256 increasedReserveValue = (_totalValue - highWaterMark).mulDiv(
420 _feeConfig.performanceFee,
422 MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up
423 );
424 uint256 increasedReserve = _totalShares.mulDiv(
425 increasedReserveValue,
426 _totalValue - increasedReserveValue,
427 MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up
428 );
429 performanceFeeReserve = performanceFeeReserve + increasedReserve;
430 _mint(address(this), increasedReserve);
431 highWaterMark = _totalValue;
432 }
433 else {
434 uint256 decreasedReserveValue = (highWaterMark - _totalValue).mulDiv(
435 _feeConfig.performanceFee,
437 );
438 uint256 decreasedReserve = _totalShares.mulDiv(
439 decreasedReserveValue,
440 _totalValue + decreasedReserveValue
441 );
442 decreasedReserve = decreasedReserve > performanceFeeReserve ? performanceFeeReserve : decreasedReserve;
443 performanceFeeReserve = performanceFeeReserve - decreasedReserve;
444 _burn(address(this), decreasedReserve);
445 }
446 }


We advise the statements to be re-ordered, calculating the performanceFeeReserve prior to actually capturing the fees.

Alleviation (302b96f324a88038a0872015466cd43783c14543):

The Teahouse Finance team specified that the described behaviour by the exhibit is by design as the performance fee is meant to be unlocked over time rather than immediately.

As such, we consider the code correct and adhering to the contract's business requirements rendering this exhibit invalid.

TVV-05M: Insufficient Validation of Oracle Compatibility


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio::initialize function will validate that the base asset of the _assetOracle and _teaVaultV3PairOracle contracts match the one in TeaVaultV3Portfolio, however, the base asset of the aaveATokenOracle is never validated.


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio can presently be initialized with an aaveATokenOracle that utilizes a different base asset which we consider incorrect.


99assetOracle = _assetOracle;
100aaveATokenOracle = _aaveATokenOracle;
101teaVaultV3PairOracle = _teaVaultV3PairOracle;
102swapper = _swapper;
104_addAsset(_baseAsset, AssetType.Base);
105for (uint256 i; i < _assets.length; i = i + 1) {
106 _addAsset(_assets[i], _assetTypes[i]);
109if (
110 address(_baseAsset) != _assetOracle.getBaseAsset() ||
111 address(_baseAsset) != _teaVaultV3PairOracle.getBaseAsset()
112) revert IAssetOracle.BaseAssetMismatch();


We advise it to be validated as well, ensuring all oracles are synchronized regarding the _baseAsset they rely on.

Alleviation (302b96f324a88038a0872015466cd43783c14543):

The base asset of the _aaveATokenOracle is now validated as well in the referenced if conditional, alleviating this exhibit in full.

TVV-06M: Improper Assumptions of Asset Maintenance


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio::addAsset and TeaVaultV3Portfolio::removeAsset functions are flawed and will not behave as expected in a production environment of the TeaVaultV3Portfolio. Specifically, a newly added asset via TeaVaultV3Portfolio::addAsset will never have a non-zero balance as the TeaVaultV3Portfolio::_calculateTotalAmounts function would yield zero for it.

On the other hand, a removal of an asset via TeaVaultV3Portfolio::removeAsset will evaluate whether a non-zero balance of the asset-to-be-removed exists in the contract and prevent execution in such a case. This permits hijackers to transmit a negligible amount (i.e. 1 wei) to the contract of an asset being removed to keep it within the assets list forever.


The current mechanisms in place for maintaining the assets supported by the TeaVaultV3Portfolio are insufficient and can be hijacked, forcing unwanted assets to remain part of the portfolio.


129/// @inheritdoc ITeaVaultV3Portfolio
130function addAsset(ERC20Upgradeable _asset, AssetType _assetType) external override onlyOwner {
131 _addAsset(_asset, _assetType);
134function _addAsset(ERC20Upgradeable _asset, AssetType _assetType) internal {
135 // base asset must be the first to be added
136 if (_assetType == AssetType.Null || _assetType >= AssetType.End) revert InvalidAssetType();
137 if (_assetType == AssetType.Base && assets.length != 0) revert BaseAssetCannotBeAdded();
138 if (assetType[_asset] != AssetType.Null) revert AssetAlreadyAdded();
139 if (_assetType == AssetType.Atomic && !assetOracle.isOracleEnabled(address(_asset))) revert OracleNotEnabled();
140 if (_assetType == AssetType.AToken && !aaveATokenOracle.isOracleEnabled(address(_asset))) revert OracleNotEnabled();
141 if (_assetType == AssetType.TeaVaultV3Pair && !teaVaultV3PairOracle.isOracleEnabled(address(_asset))) revert OracleNotEnabled();
143 assets.push(_asset);
144 assetType[_asset] = _assetType;
146 emit AssetAdded(address(_asset), block.timestamp);
149/// @inheritdoc ITeaVaultV3Portfolio
150function removeAsset(uint256 _index) external override onlyOwner {
151 if (assets[_index].balanceOf(address(this)) != 0) revert AssetBalanceNotZero();
152 if (assetType[assets[_index]] == AssetType.Base) revert BaseAssetCannotBeRemoved();
154 ERC20Upgradeable asset = assets[_index];
155 assets[_index] = assets[assets.length - 1];
156 assets.pop();
157 assetType[asset] = AssetType.Null;
159 emit AssetRemoved(address(asset), block.timestamp);


We advise the code to be revised as the assets list in its current state cannot be dynamically updated. Example remediations include converting the asset to be removed to the supported assets of the system, and supporting the inclusion of a new asset solely if existing balance is converted to it.

Alleviation (302b96f324):

The Teahouse Finance team stated that they wish to retain the dynamic adjustment of the assets list in place due to their business requirements.

We would like to reiterate that this exhibit does not state that such functionality should be removed, it instead states that the functionality is presently impossible and easy to sabotage.

As such, we advise the Teahouse Finance team to revisit this exhibit.

Alleviation (a337648498):

The Teahouse Finance team re-evaluated this exhibit and opted to introduce an on-chain mechanism whereby a swap is performed before the removal of the asset. This mechanism while valid is presently insufficient as it will rely on the TeaVaultV3Portfolio::swapAndRemoveAsset input amount (_inputAmount).

To ensure the function can be reliably utilized, we advise the code to use the full balance of the contract in the respective asset.

Alleviation (1dc136da87):

The code was updated to properly calculate the _inputAmount of the swap dynamically in the TeaVaultV3Portfolio::swapAndRemoveAsset flow, however, the TeaVaultV3Portfolio::removeAsset flow was updated in this commit as well and will perform a Uniswap V3 withdrawal with no slippage control thereby rendering the full withdrawn amount susceptible to sandwich attacks.

We advise proper slippage values to be supplied to the ITeaVaultV3Pair::withdraw call, ensuring that the withdrawn amounts are properly associated with the LP units burned.

Alleviation (3a0cc9c15a):

The code was updated to properly accept minimum outputs for all assets in the vault that are validated after the swap of the asset-to-be-removed but prior to its removal, thereby ensuring that any swap that occurred has abode by the expected slippage thresholds configured by the caller.

As such, we consider this exhibit fully alleviated.

TVV-07M: Potential Hijack of High Water Mark Initialization


The TeaVaultV3Portfolio::deposit function relies on an empty balance of the contract to initialize the highWaterMark which can be trivially hijacked, causing the highWaterMark to remain zero until the first time a performance fee is captured at an unfair evaluation.


By donating supported assets to the portfolio directly, the highWaterMark will not be initialized with the first deposit and as such the first TeaVaultV3Portfolio::_collectPerformanceFee invocation after the first deposit will capture a performance fee as if the contract went from 0 to the depositedValue.


262if (totalValue == 0) {
263 highWaterMark = depositedValue;
265else {
266 highWaterMark = highWaterMark.mulDiv(totalValue + depositedValue, totalValue);


We advise the code to instead check if the highWaterMark is 0, ensuring that its value is initialized regardless of the system's state.

Alleviation (302b96f324a88038a0872015466cd43783c14543):

The code was updated to correctly initialize the value of the highWaterMark, evaluating whether its 0 and either initializing it to the depositedValue or updating it per the business requirements of the system.

As such, we consider this exhibit fully alleviated.