Omniscia Tren Finance Audit

TrenBoxManagerOperations Manual Review Findings

TrenBoxManagerOperations Manual Review Findings

TBO-01M: Improper Order of Operations


The TrenBoxManagerOperations::getRedemptionHints function will perform a subtraction of the gas compensation (i.e. an invocation of the TrenBase::_getNetDebt function) with the result of a Tren box's debt added to its pending reward.

This contradicts the original implementation, and permits a Tren box that has fallen below the minimum debt requirement to generate successful hints.


Positions with a minimum debt less than the acceptable will generate proper redemption hints even though the redeem operation would eventually fail.


398uint256 currentTrenBoxNetDebt = _getNetDebt(
399 vars.asset,
400 ITrenBoxManager(trenBoxManager).getTrenBoxDebt(vars.asset, currentTrenBoxBorrower)
401 + ITrenBoxManager(trenBoxManager).getPendingDebtTokenReward(
402 vars.asset, currentTrenBoxBorrower
403 )


We advise the operations to be re-ordered, performing the addition after the net debt of the position has been calculated.

Alleviation (f6f1ad0b8f24a96ade345db1dd05a1878eb0f761):

All redemption related functionality of the protocol has been removed as an alleviation for TBO-03M, rendering this exhibit no longer applicable.

TBO-02M: Inexistent Assignment of Snapshots


The specialized TrenBoxManagerOperations::redistributeTrenBoxes function will not set the totalStakesSnapshot and totalCollateralSnapshot values that would normally be set via a call to the TrenBoxManager::updateSystemSnapshots_excludeCollRemainder which can cause significant misbehaviours in the way stakes are computed.


The snapshots within the TrenBoxManager are not maintained properly as they are not assigned-to during an administrative TrenBoxManagerOperations::redistributeTrenBoxes call.


205function redistributeTrenBoxes(
206 address _asset,
207 uint256 _trenBoxes
209 external
210 nonReentrant
211 onlyOwner
213 LocalVariables_OuterLiquidationFunction memory vars;
214 LiquidationTotals memory totals;
216 vars.debtTokenInStabPool = IStabilityPool(stabilityPool).getTotalDebtTokenDeposits();
217 vars.price = IPriceFeed(priceFeed).fetchPrice(_asset);
218 vars.recoveryModeAtStart = _checkRecoveryMode(_asset, vars.price);
220 if (vars.recoveryModeAtStart) {
221 totals = _getTotalsFromLiquidateTrenBoxesSequence_RecoveryMode(
222 _asset, vars.price, vars.debtTokenInStabPool, _trenBoxes, true
223 );
224 } else {
225 totals = _getTotalsFromLiquidateTrenBoxesSequence_NormalMode(
226 _asset, vars.price, vars.debtTokenInStabPool, _trenBoxes, true
227 );
228 }
230 if (totals.totalDebtInSequence == 0) {
231 revert TrenBoxManagerOperations__NothingToLiquidate();
232 }
234 ITrenBoxManager(trenBoxManager).redistributeDebtAndColl(
235 _asset,
236 totals.totalDebtToRedistribute,
237 totals.totalCollToRedistribute,
238 totals.totalDebtToOffset,
239 0
240 );
242 emit Redistribution(
243 _asset,
244 totals.totalDebtInSequence,
245 totals.totalCollInSequence - totals.totalCollToClaim,
246 totals.totalDebtTokenGasCompensation
247 );


We advise the redistribution of Tren boxes via administrative action to be followed by a re-configuration of the snapshots with a _collRemainder of 0, ensuring the snapshots within the TrenBoxManager are maintained correctly.

Alleviation (f6f1ad0b8f24a96ade345db1dd05a1878eb0f761):

An invocation of the TrenBoxManager::updateSystemSnapshots_excludeCollRemainder function has been introduced to the TrenBoxManagerOperations::redistributeTrenBoxes function, alleviating this exhibit in full.

TBO-03M: Negative Dynamic Redemption Softening System


The redemption softening system will impose a "penalty" on the amount redeemed from a particular Tren box when performing redemptions which causes a consistent de-valuation of the debt token as the softening is applied solely to the collateral redeemed rather than being applied to the debt reduction as well.


We consider the present negative market dynamics to weaken the purchasing power of the Tren system's debt token perpetually.


1183// Get the debtToken lot of equivalent value in USD
1184singleRedemption.collLot = (singleRedemption.debtLot * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / _price;
1186// Apply redemption softening
1187singleRedemption.collLot =
1188 (singleRedemption.collLot * redemptionSofteningParam) / PERCENTAGE_PRECISION;


We advise the system to be revised as it introduces a negative market dynamic that will result in a consistent devaluation of the debt token that can ultimately prove irrecoverable.

The mechanism in and of itself is difficult to introduce without significantly affecting the market dynamics of the Liquity-like protocol, and we advise this feature to be omitted.

Alleviation (f6f1ad0b8f24a96ade345db1dd05a1878eb0f761):

The Tren Finance team evaluated this exhibit and following month-long internal discussions have opted to remove the redemption system from the Tren Finance protocol entirely.

They believe that a de-peg event should be corrected via buyback and burn programs instead so as not to alienate users from the protocol due to redemptions resulting in a "bank-run" of collateral providers.

As the redemption system is no longer set in place, we consider this exhibit to be indirectly alleviated as a negative market dynamic no longer exists.