Omniscia Sheesha Finance Audit

DeFire Manual Review Findings

DeFire Manual Review Findings

DFE-01M: Improper Configuration Sanitization

Input SanitizationMinorDeFire.sol:L9-L38


The DeFire contract improperly sanitizes the configurational values that are meant to be assigned to the AdvanceVesting and BaseVesting contract implementations.


17require(token_ != address(0), "Invalid reward token address");
18require(startDate_ != 0, "TGE timestamp can't be 0");
20 vestingDuration_ > 0 && cliffDuration_ > 0,
21 "The vesting and cliff duration cannot be 0"
24 totalAllocatedAmount_ > 0,
25 "The number of tokens for distribution cannot be 0"


We advise additional checks to be imposed, such as the tgePercentage to be less than the maximum percentage, the amount unlocked between firstRelease and vestingTimeEnd to be below the total percentage when added to the LGE and other similar logic checks.


The configurational values of AdvanceVesting are now assigned by the contract's constructor instead of being done so on the contract level. Additionally, the AdvanceVesting constructor as well as inherited BaseVesting implementation apply the necessary sanitization checks in their respective constructor functions thus alleviating this exhibit.

DFE-02M: Improper AdvanceVesting Inheritence

Logical FaultInformationalDeFire.sol:L6, L16


THe DeFire contract inherits from the AdvanceVesting contract but does not set the tgePercentage value.


10 address signer_,
11 address token_,
12 uint256 startDate_,
13 uint256 cliffDuration_,
14 uint256 vestingDuration_,
15 uint256 totalAllocatedAmount_
16) AdvanceVesting(signer_) {
17 require(token_ != address(0), "Invalid reward token address");
18 require(startDate_ != 0, "TGE timestamp can't be 0");
19 require(
20 vestingDuration_ > 0 && cliffDuration_ > 0,
21 "The vesting and cliff duration cannot be 0"
22 );
23 require(
24 totalAllocatedAmount_ > 0,
25 "The number of tokens for distribution cannot be 0"
26 );
27 token = IERC20(token_);
28 startDate = startDate_;
29 cliffDuration = cliffDuration_;
30 vestingDuration = vestingDuration_;
31 firstRelease = startDate.add(cliffDuration_);
32 vestingTimeEnd = startDate.add(cliffDuration_).add(vestingDuration_);
33 periods = vestingDuration_.div(PERIOD);
34 everyDayReleasePercentage = PERCENTAGE.div(periods);
35 totalAllocatedAmount = totalAllocatedAmount_;
36 tokensForNative = totalAllocatedAmount_.div(3);
37 tokensForLP = totalAllocatedAmount_.sub(tokensForNative);


We advise whether this is intended is validated as a specified cliff duration with a zero amount of TGE unlocked is illogical.


The team stated that the current structure is desired for the specification of a cliff period. We noted that a cliff period with a zero amount unlocked is equivalent to setting the start period in the future, however, the team desired to retain the codebase as is.