Omniscia Sheesha Finance Audit

BaseVesting Static Analysis Findings

BaseVesting Static Analysis Findings

BVG-01S: Improper Handling of ERC20 Transfers


The linked statements invoke the transfer method of the EIP-20 standard without validating the expected returned bool variable.


163function _withdrawReward(
164 address beneficiary,
165 uint256 percenageLP,
166 uint256 percentageNative
167) private {
168 uint256 reward = _getRewardBalance(percenageLP, percentageNative);
169 Investor storage investor = investorInfo[beneficiary];
170 uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
171 require(reward > investor.paidAmount, "No rewards available");
172 uint256 amountToPay = reward.sub(investor.paidAmount);
173 require(amountToPay <= balance, "The rewards are over");
174 investor.paidAmount = reward;
175 investor.timeRewardPaid = block.timestamp;
176 token.transfer(beneficiary, amountToPay);
177 emit RewardPaid(beneficiary, amountToPay);


As certain tokens are not fully compliant with the EIP-20 standard, we advise the usage of a wrapper library such as SafeERC20.sol by OpenZeppelin to opportunistically evaluate the returned bool of EIP-20 transfer invocations.


Both transfer invocations were replaced by their safe prefixed counterparts alleviating this exhibit.