Omniscia Sovryn Audit

Utils Code Style Findings

Utils Code Style Findings

UTI-01C: Ill-Advised Error Style

Code StyleInformationalUtils.sol:L95


The require statement linked will always throw due to boasting a false literal as the conditional.


75function granularityToDecimals(uint256 granularity) public pure returns (uint8) {
76 if(granularity == 1) return 18;
77 if(granularity == 10) return 17;
78 if(granularity == 100) return 16;
79 if(granularity == 1000) return 15;
80 if(granularity == 10000) return 14;
81 if(granularity == 100000) return 13;
82 if(granularity == 1000000) return 12;
83 if(granularity == 10000000) return 11;
84 if(granularity == 100000000) return 10;
85 if(granularity == 1000000000) return 9;
86 if(granularity == 10000000000) return 8;
87 if(granularity == 100000000000) return 7;
88 if(granularity == 1000000000000) return 6;
89 if(granularity == 10000000000000) return 5;
90 if(granularity == 100000000000000) return 4;
91 if(granularity == 1000000000000000) return 3;
92 if(granularity == 10000000000000000) return 2;
93 if(granularity == 100000000000000000) return 1;
94 if(granularity == 1000000000000000000) return 0;
95 require(false, "Utils: invalid granularity");


We advise it to either be adjusted to a revert instruction or to a require validating the last if conditional, rendering the conditional redundant.


The development team has acknowledged this exhibit but decided to not apply its remediation in the current version of the codebase.