Omniscia Sovryn Audit

Utils Manual Review Findings

Utils Manual Review Findings

UTI-01M: Invalid Function Argument

Logical FaultMinorUtils.sol:L98-L111


The calculateGranularityAndAmount contains a granularity argument which should not exist given that the granularity is meant to be calculated and is done so in all cases apart from decimals == 18, in which case it is 1.


98function calculateGranularityAndAmount(uint8 decimals, uint256 granularity, uint256 amount) external pure
99 returns(uint256 calculatedGranularity, uint256 formattedAmount) {
101 if(decimals == 18) {
102 //tokenAddress is a ERC20 with 18 decimals should have 1 granularity
103 //tokenAddress is a ERC777 token we give the same granularity
104 calculatedGranularity = granularity;
105 formattedAmount = amount;
106 } else {
107 //tokenAddress is a ERC20 with other than 18 decimals
108 calculatedGranularity = decimalsToGranularity(decimals);
109 formattedAmount = amount.mul(calculatedGranularity);
110 }


We advise it to be omitted from the function signature and the assignment within the first if block to be replaced by an assignment of 1.


The development team has acknowledged this exhibit but decided to not apply its remediation in the current version of the codebase.