Omniscia Seen Haus Audit

MarketHandlerBase Manual Review Findings

MarketHandlerBase Manual Review Findings

MHB-01M: Deprecated Native Asset Transfer


The transfer member exposed by payable address types has been deprecated as it does not reliably execute and can fail in future updates of the EVM as it forwards a fixed gas stipend which is not compatible with gas cost EIP upgrades such as EIP-2929.




We advise a safe wrapper library to be utilized instead such as the sendValue function of the Address library by OpenZeppelin which is guaranteed to execute under all circumstances.


The codebase was updated to utilize an internal sendValueOrCreditAccount function that attempts to send the native asset to the recipient address and in case the action fails for any reason, the user is given a redeemable credit of their native asset portion. This change has alleviated this exhibit in full.

MHB-02M: Improper Fee Deduction


The deductFee function assumes that the split value is equal to feeAmount when multiplied by 2 which is not the case as Solidity suffers from mathematical truncation. This will lead to funds being permanently locked in any MarketHandlerBase contract.


320uint256 split = feeAmount / 2;
321address payable staking = marketController.getStaking();
322address payable multisig = marketController.getMultisig();
326// Return the seller payout amount after fee deduction
327payout = _netAmount - feeAmount;


We advise the second transfer to instead use feeAmount - split rather than split to ensure truncated funds are accounted for.


The two values split are now properly calculated via a division and subtraction rather than a single value.

MHB-03M: Non-Standard Application of Escrow Fee


The deductEscrowAgentFee function does not validate that the total applied fee does not exceed the total available amount, causing "correct" configuration of the contract to lead to a failure.


255function deductEscrowAgentFee(Consignment memory _consignment, uint256 _grossSale, uint256 _netAfterRoyalties)
257returns (uint256 net)
259 // Only pay royalties on secondary market sales
260 uint256 escrowAgentFeeAmount = 0;
261 if ( == Market.Secondary) {
262 // Get the MarketController
263 IMarketController marketController = getMarketController();
264 address consignor = marketController.getConsignor(;
265 if(consignor != _consignment.seller) {
266 uint16 escrowAgentBasisPoints = marketController.getEscrowAgentFeeBasisPoints(consignor);
267 if(escrowAgentBasisPoints > 0) {
268 // Determine if consignment is physical
269 address nft = marketController.getNft();
270 if (nft == _consignment.tokenAddress && ISeenHausNFT(nft).isPhysical(_consignment.tokenId)) {
271 // Consignor is not seller, consigner has a positive escrowAgentBasisPoints value, consignment is of a physical item
272 // Therefore, pay consignor the escrow agent fees
273 escrowAgentFeeAmount = getPercentageOf(_grossSale, escrowAgentBasisPoints);
275 // If escrow agent fee is expected...
276 if (escrowAgentFeeAmount > 0) {
277 payable(consignor).transfer(escrowAgentFeeAmount);
278 // Notify listeners of payment
279 emit EscrowAgentFeeDisbursed(, consignor, escrowAgentFeeAmount);
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 }
286 // Return the net amount after royalty deduction
287 net = _netAfterRoyalties - escrowAgentFeeAmount;


We advise the escrow fee to instead be applied on the after-royalty amount to ensure that the statements will always execute properly. Alternatively, we advise the code to gracefully handle the royalty and escrow agent fee exceeding the total amount by introducing a new maximum escrow agent fee to the system.


A require check has been introduced ensuring that the net amount after royalties can satisfy the escrow agent fee thereby alleviating this exhibit.