Omniscia AllianceBlock Audit

CCIPProvider Manual Review Findings

CCIPProvider Manual Review Findings


The referenced EVMExtraArgsV1 definition contradicts the structure's implementation based on the various official releases of CCIP on their repository.


The severity of this exhibit will be adjusted based on whether the code is indeed incorrect or not after the AllianceBlock team's analysis.


367extraArgs = Client.EVMExtraArgsV1({ gasLimit: 0, strict: false });


We advise the code to be updated to reflect the latest release of the CCIP protocol by Chainlink.

Alleviation (54fd570de24631ca65a7cea022aebe43225a08c7):

The code was updated throughout to reflect the latest CCIP release, rendering this exhibit alleviated.

CCI-02M: Inexistent Uniqueness Validation


The CCIPProvider::constructor and CCIPProvider::config functions do not guarantee that the MPC IDs and chain selectors introduced are unique, permitting duplicate entries to exist within the _supportedChains array as well as multiple mpcIds / ccipChainSelectors entries to point to the same MPC ID / CCIP chain selector respectively.


The main corrupted data entry of this bug is the _supportedChains array which is relatively inconsequential, rendering this exhibit to be of minor severity.


250 * @dev Configures the CCIPProvider contract with the provided configuration data.
251 * @param configData The configuration data to be decoded and used to set the CCIPProvider parameters.
252 * @notice Only callable by the Teleport contract.
253 * @notice The `params.MPCIds` and `params.ccipChainSelectors` arrays must have the same length.
254 * @notice For each `MPCId` in `params.MPCIds`, sets the corresponding `ccipChainSelector` in the `ccipChainSelectors` mapping.
255 * @notice For each `ccipChainSelector` in `params.ccipChainSelectors`, sets the corresponding `MPCId` in the `mpcIds` mapping.
256 * @notice If `params.routerAddress` is not the zero address, sets the `i_router` address to `params.routerAddress`.
257 */
258function config(bytes calldata configData) external override onlyTeleport {
259 ConfigCallParamsV1 memory params = _decodeConfigMessage(configData);
261 if (params.MPCIds.length != params.ccipChainSelectors.length) revert ArraysLenMismatch();
263 // Set the router address only if a value is provided. Otherwise, keep the current address.
264 if (params.routerAddress != address(0)) {
265 i_router = params.routerAddress;
266 }
268 // Set the chain mappings only if some values are provided. Otherwise, keep the current mappings.
269 if (params.MPCIds.length > 0) {
270 // Reset mappings
271 for (uint8 i = 0; i < _supportedChains.length; i++) {
272 delete mpcIds[ccipChainSelectors[_supportedChains[i]]];
273 delete ccipChainSelectors[_supportedChains[i]];
274 }
276 // Reset _supportedChains
277 delete _supportedChains;
278 for (uint256 i = 0; i < params.MPCIds.length; ) {
279 ccipChainSelectors[params.MPCIds[i]] = params.ccipChainSelectors[i];
280 mpcIds[params.ccipChainSelectors[i]] = params.MPCIds[i];
281 _supportedChains.push(params.MPCIds[i]);
282 unchecked {
283 i += 1;
284 }
285 }
286 }
288 // Set the gas limit only if a value is provided. Otherwise, keep the current value.
289 if (params.gasLimit != 0) {
290 _gasLimit = params.gasLimit;
291 }


We advise uniqueness to be guaranteed, either by ensuring the input array is in a sorted order or by ensuring that the entries being written to are properly zeroed out.

We consider either of the two approaches sufficient in rectifying this vulnerability.

Alleviation (54fd570de24631ca65a7cea022aebe43225a08c7):

A uniqueness validation check has been introduced in the form of an if-revert pattern validation, alleviating this exhibit in full.

CCI-03M: Incorrect Fee Validation


The CCIPProvider::send function will ensure that the msg.value is greater-than-or-equal-to the value of fees, however, it will solely forward fees to the router rendering the remainder permanently locked within the contract.


Any surplus funds sent to the CCIPProvider will be permanently locked within it with no way of rescuing them.


164 * @notice Transmits the `payload` to the validators by emitting the `Transmission` event
165 * @param targetChainId The chainID where the message should be delivered to
166 * @param transmissionTeleportReceiver The address of the contract in the target chain to receive the transmission
167 * @param dappTranmissionInfo The Id and data for the dApp that the message belongs to
168 */
169function send(
170 uint8 targetChainId,
171 bytes calldata transmissionTeleportReceiver,
172 DappTransmissionInfo calldata dappTranmissionInfo,
173 bytes calldata extraOptionalArgs_
174) external payable override onlyTeleport {
175 (
176 uint256 fees,
177 Client.EVM2AnyMessage memory evm2AnyMessage,
178 IRouterClient router,
179 uint64 _destinationChainSelector
180 ) = prepareMessage(
181 targetChainId,
182 transmissionTeleportReceiver,
183 dappTranmissionInfo,
184 extraOptionalArgs_
185 );
187 if (fees > msg.value) revert InsufficientValueSent(msg.value, fees);
189 // Send the CCIP message through the router. We ignore the returned message ID as we don't need it.
190 router.ccipSend{ value: fees }(_destinationChainSelector, evm2AnyMessage);


We advise the referenced check to be converted to an inequality check with msg.value, ensuring that only a msg.value equal to fees is permitted.

Alleviation (54fd570de24631ca65a7cea022aebe43225a08c7):

The code was updated to ensure that the msg.value precisely matches the fees that will ultimately be forwarded, disallowing funds from being locked and thus alleviating this exhibit.