Omniscia AllianceBlock Audit

FeeCalculatorFacet Manual Review Findings

FeeCalculatorFacet Manual Review Findings

FCF-01M: Inexistent Direct Invocation Protection


The referenced function is meant to act as a form of state initiation yet does not impose any access control on the logic contract's implementation.


While inconsequential in this instance, it is always best practice to not allow the logic contract implementation to be tampered with.


14 * @notice sets the state for the FeeCalculator facet
15 * @param data_ abi encoded data - the service fee for the teleport.
16 * @dev This state method is never attached on the diamond
17 */
18function state(bytes memory data_) external {
19 (LibFeeCalculator.feeCalculatorStorage().serviceFee) = abi.decode(data_, (uint256));


We advise the function to be solely accessible via delegatecall instructions by storing the address(this) evaluation to an immutable contract variable and ensuring that address(this) != self when the FeeCalculatorFacet::state function is invoked, guaranteeing that the function can only be accessed via delegatecall instructions.

Alleviation (54fd570de24631ca65a7cea022aebe43225a08c7):

Direct call protection was introduced per our recommendation, utilizing a contract-level immutable variable assigned to address(this) during the contract's deployment.