Omniscia Tangible Audit

RentNotificationDispatcher Code Style Findings

RentNotificationDispatcher Code Style Findings

RND-01C: Multiple Redundant Invocations of Getter Function


The NotificationWhitelister::tnft function is invoked three separate times within the RentNotificationDispatcher::notify function inefficiently.


54function notify(
55 address _tnft,
56 uint256 tokenId,
57 uint256 unclaimedAmount,
58 uint256 newDeposit,
59 uint256 startTime,
60 uint256 endTime
61) external onlyTnftRentManager {
62 // if in if to save gas in case nothing registered
63 if (_tnft == address(tnft())) {
64 address receiver = registeredForNotification(address(tnft()), tokenId);
65 if (receiver != address(0)) {
66 IRentNotificationReceiver(receiver).notify(
67 address(tnft()),
68 tokenId,
69 unclaimedAmount,
70 newDeposit,
71 startTime,
72 endTime
73 );
74 emit Notified(receiver, tokenId, unclaimedAmount, newDeposit);
75 }
76 }


We advise the function to be invoked once and to be cached to a local variable that is consequently utilized in place of the remaining invocations, optimizing the gas cost of the function significantly.

Alleviation (2ad448279d9e8e4b6edd94bcd2eb22129b6f7357):

The tnft getter function's result is correctly cached to a local localTnft variable, optimizing the code's gas cost.