Omniscia Tangible Audit

RentManager Manual Review Findings

RentManager Manual Review Findings

RMR-01M: Incorrect Maintenance of Claimed Amount Total


The RentManager::_claimRentForToken function will incorrectly maintain the claimedAmountTotal of a particular RentInfo entry as it will not increment the total by the unclaimedAmount acquired.


While the value will be improperly maintained, it does not appear to be utilized in any sensitive logic of the system thus rendering the vulnerability to be of "minor" severity.


417if (rent.unclaimedAmount > 0) {
418 if (rent.unclaimedAmount < claimableRent) {
419 unchecked {
420 rent.claimedAmount += claimableRent - rent.unclaimedAmount;
421 rent.claimedAmountTotal += claimableRent - rent.unclaimedAmount;
422 rent.unclaimedAmount = 0;
423 }
424 } else {
425 // this should never happen
426 unchecked {
427 rent.unclaimedAmount -= claimableRent;
428 rent.claimedAmountTotal += claimableRent;
429 }
430 }
431} else {


We advise the code to increment the claimedAmountTotal by the claimableRent rather than the claimableRent minus the rent.unclaimedAmount as the unclaimedAmount that is immediately vested should increment the total regardless.

Alleviation (2ad448279d9e8e4b6edd94bcd2eb22129b6f7357):

The code was updated per our recommendation, no longer subtracting the unclaimedAmount on each iteration to provide a transparent claimedAmountTotal that more accurately matches its expected description.

RMR-02M: Inexistent Deletion of Deposit Time


The RentManager::pauseAndClaimBackDistribution function will not properly reset the RentInfo entry of the contract as the depositTime will remain non-zero after its execution.


The RentManager::pauseAndClaimBackDistribution function will not properly reset the depositTime to its default value despite its specification which can lead to issues when resuming the rent for a token via the RentManager::deposit function and setting skipBackpayment to false.


278function pauseAndClaimBackDistribution(uint256 tokenId) external returns (uint256 amount) {
279 require(msg.sender == depositor, "Only the rent depositor can call this function");
280 RentInfo storage rent = rentInfo[tokenId];
281 // claim for owner of tnft
282 _claimRentForToken(IERC721(TNFT_ADDRESS).ownerOf(tokenId), tokenId);
283 // take the rest of the rent and reset
284 amount = rent.depositAmount - rent.claimedAmount;
285 emit DistributionPaused(
286 rent.rentToken,
287 tokenId,
288 amount,
289 rent.depositAmount,
290 block.timestamp - rent.depositTime,
291 rent.depositTime
292 );
293 IERC20(rent.rentToken).safeTransfer(depositor, amount);
294 // reset
295 rent.claimedAmount = 0;
296 rent.depositAmount = 0;
297 rent.distributionRunning = false;
298 rent.endTime = 0;
299 rent.rentToken = address(0);


We advise the depositTime value to be set to a value of 0 as well, ensuring that the RentInfo structure is correctly reset.

Alleviation (2ad448279d9e8e4b6edd94bcd2eb22129b6f7357):

The depositTime entry is correctly zeroed out in the updated code, rendering this exhibit fully alleviated.