Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

EulerRouter Code Style Findings

EulerRouter Code Style Findings

ERR-01C: Imprecise Terminology


The referenced if conditionals will yield the mutated inAmount if the base and quote assets match which is misleading as the inAmount might have been mutated as part of EIP-4626 vault conversions and thus be an outAmount value.


73/// @inheritdoc IPriceOracle
74function getQuote(uint256 inAmount, address base, address quote) external view returns (uint256) {
75 address oracle;
76 (inAmount, base, quote, oracle) = _resolveOracle(inAmount, base, quote);
77 if (base == quote) return inAmount;
78 return IPriceOracle(oracle).getQuote(inAmount, base, quote);
81/// @inheritdoc IPriceOracle
82function getQuotes(uint256 inAmount, address base, address quote) external view returns (uint256, uint256) {
83 address oracle;
84 (inAmount, base, quote, oracle) = _resolveOracle(inAmount, base, quote);
85 if (base == quote) return (inAmount, inAmount);
86 return IPriceOracle(oracle).getQuotes(inAmount, base, quote);


As the inAmount might be re-used as an optimization, we advise extensive documentation to be introduced to the EulerRouter::getQuote and EulerRouter::getQuotes functions while the return argument of the EulerRouter::_resolveOracle should have its documentation updated to a different name than inAmount that is more accurate of its purpose.


The documentation of the EulerRouter::_resolveOracle was updated to highlight that the returned value is a resolvedAmount rather than inAmount which we consider an adequate terminology change to address this exhibit.