Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

SDaiOracle Manual Review Findings

SDaiOracle Manual Review Findings

SDO-01M: Insecure Usage of Outdated Interest Rate Accumulator


The IPot::chi member is meant to indicate the latest interest rate accumulator, however, the SDaiOracle::_getQuote function integrates with it incorrectly as the IPot::rho value (the last time the interest accumulator was updated) may not match the current timestamp.


The SDaiOracle::_getQuote function will constantly over-value the DAI asset in relation to the sDAI asset due to not calculating an up-to-date cumulative interest rate value from the dsrPot.


29/// @notice Get a quote by querying the exchange rate from the DSR Pot contract.
30/// @dev Calls `chi`, the interest rate accumulator, to get the exchange rate.
31/// @param inAmount The amount of `base` to convert.
32/// @param base The token that is being priced. Either `sDai` or `dai`.
33/// @param quote The token that is the unit of account. Either `dai` or `sDai`.
34/// @return The converted amount.
35function _getQuote(uint256 inAmount, address base, address quote) internal view override returns (uint256) {
36 if (base == sDai && quote == dai) {
37 return inAmount * IPot(dsrPot).chi() / 1e27;
38 } else if (base == dai && quote == sDai) {
39 return inAmount * 1e27 / IPot(dsrPot).chi();
40 }
41 revert Errors.PriceOracle_NotSupported(base, quote);


As invoking IPot::drip is impossible due to the function being state-mutating, we advise the statements within the pot's IPot::drip function to be replicated locally to calculate the latest up-to-date cumulative interest rate (chi) value.

To achieve this, the calculation rmul(rpow(dsr, now - rho, ONE), chi) needs to be replicated locally by fetching the IPot::dsr, IPot::rho, and IPot::chi values from the dsrPot and performing the WadRayMath based calculations.


The accurate exchange rate between the DAI and sDAI assets is now calculated via the newly introduced SDaiOracle::_getExchangeRate function using the Solady library for performing the rpow operation, effectively alleviating this exhibit per our recommendation.