Omniscia Euler Finance Audit

Governable Static Analysis Findings

Governable Static Analysis Findings

GEL-01S: Inexistent Sanitization of Input Address


The linked function accepts an address argument yet does not properly sanitize it.


The presence of zero-value addresses, especially in constructor implementations, can cause the contract to be permanently inoperable. These checks are advised as zero-value inputs are a common side-effect of off-chain software related bugs.


18constructor(address _governor) {
19 _setGovernor(_governor);


We advise some basic sanitization to be put in place by ensuring that the address specified is non-zero.


The Euler Finance team evaluated this exhibit and opted to dispute it as configuring a governor as the address(0) is a desirable feature of the suite.

Given that the exhibit outlines behaviour that aligns with the business requirements of the Euler Finance team, we consider this exhibit to be nullified.