Omniscia Powercity Audit

LiquityMath Static Analysis Findings

LiquityMath Static Analysis Findings

LMH-01S: Illegible Numeric Value Representation

Code StyleLiquityMath.sol:L65


The linked representation of a numeric literal is sub-optimally represented decreasing the legibility of the codebase.


65if (_minutes > 525600000) {_minutes = 525600000;} // cap to avoid overflow


To properly illustrate the value's purpose, we advise the following guidelines to be followed. For values meant to depict fractions with a base of 1e18, we advise fractions to be utilized directly (i.e. 1e17 becomes 0.1e18) as they are supported. For values meant to represent a percentage base, we advise each value to utilize the underscore (_) separator to discern the percentage decimal (i.e. 10000 becomes 100_00, 300 becomes 3_00 and so on). Finally, for large numeric values we simply advise the underscore character to be utilized again to represent them (i.e. 1000000 becomes 1_000_000).

Alleviation (8bedd3b0df6387957e6b8f5d52507e776c1458b0):

The Powercity team evaluated this exhibit but has opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.