Omniscia 0xPhase Audit

ERC20VotesUpgradeable Manual Review Findings

ERC20VotesUpgradeable Manual Review Findings

ERV-01M: Significant Deviation of Standard

Standard ConformityERC20VotesUpgradeable.sol:L39-L45


The ERC20VotesUpgradeable::delegateBySig function contains a discrepant interface as it defines a bytes memory parameter instead of the v, r, and s values in sequence causing it to be incompatible with IERC20Votes-compatible systems.


As the ERC20VotesUpgradeable implementation of 0xPhase contains a customized delegateBySig function implementation, the code will fail to properly integrate with other DeFi modules that support the permit paradigm, hindering the project's adoption greatly.


39function delegateBySig(
40 address delegator,
41 address delegatee,
42 uint256 nonce,
43 uint256 expiry,
44 bytes memory sig
45) public virtual override {


We advise the standardized v, r, and s variables to be set in the function and the bytes memory sig payload to be constructed if necessary for the SignatureChecker::isValidSignatureNow function.

Alleviation (3dd3d7bf0c2693b2f9c23bacedfa420393f7ea84):

The 0xPhase team opted to support both the standardized ERC20VotesUpgradeable::delegateBySig function as well as a new ERC20VotesUpgradeable::delegateBySig2 implementation that utilizes a bytes calldata argument to represent the signature, alleviating this exhibit while maximizing the compatibility of the contract.